Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Quote from: GodShifter on August 15, 2011, 04:38:00 PM
Yeah, well, I saw Book Of Eli, and, man, that movie sucked. Really bad.

Damn, I really liked Book Of Eli.

In fact I've watched it a few times.   :-\


Quote from: deaner33 on August 21, 2011, 05:41:08 PM
The Town.  I thought the action sequences were really good, but the romantic stuff was cheesy.  The very end after all the drama was lame too (the letter & the donation stuff).

I actually like this aswell. I was surprised since it contained Ben Affleck in it.

I just watched Skateland.

I liked it.  Sorta had a ...John Hughes feel to it (it is dedicated to him aswell)

Jor el

SuckerPunch a few weeks ago, and again tonight.
Fucking awesome.
Also watched Kick-Ass a couple times.
Fucking awesome.
I didn't mind the music at all. Which is wacky, because I usually get pissed aboot that kind of stuff.
What Would Scooby Do ?


Quote from: willb on August 22, 2011, 11:14:42 AM
Quote from: GodShifter on August 15, 2011, 04:38:00 PM
Yeah, well, I saw Book Of Eli, and, man, that movie sucked. Really bad.

Damn, I really liked Book Of Eli.

In fact I've watched it a few times.   :-\

Different strokes for different folks, my friend. My girlfriend endorsed it as being good, too (which is the main reason I watched it). Just so happens I hated it.

I, too, liked The Town. I thought it was really well done. Some obvious nods to Mann's Heat, but as a stand alone piece it was done very well, imo.


Book of Eli was steaming pile of of those flicks, you kind of wish you didnt waste your time with. Where this one failed miserably, Stake Land excelled


I've never seen or heard of Stake Land.  I'll have to give it a go.

The Shocker

Willb, have you seen Pontypool?  IIRC, it takes place in CANADA and it's not that bad for a low budget movie.


No. But I'll put it on my list of movies to see.

What is it about?

The Shocker

Zombie apocalypse from the standpoint of a small town radio station.

Sent from my fuckin phone using Tapatalk.


If any of you cats use Dropbox, or want to..hit me up..I like to put more obscure titles in my folder for sharing. Stake Land is pretty fucking cool, low budget, but effective..think of The Road, but with more of a horror theme

Mr Neutron


A post alien invasion story of two people in Mexico trying to make it through a quarantine zone, and return to the United States.

Beautifully shot, smart use of CGI (along the lines of The Mist, or the early part of Cloverfield)
While there isn't a ton of dialog, some of it is a bit clunky. I enjoyed the movie, but wish there would have been a bit more of the Aliens.

It'll be interesting to see what Gareth Edwards brings to the Godzilla reboot.
"Where words fail, music speaks."

The Shocker

I was disappointed in Monsters.  Before Sunrise with some aliens in the background..


I saw Monsters recently, it was OK.  I liked the beginning, where the monster just appears out of nowhere and attacks the convoy.  And the premise of people trying to live their normal lives around the monsters was interesting.

Did anyone think the monsters were a metaphor for illegal aliens, especially with the wall at the border, and that one Mexican who said they don't bother the aliens, so the aliens leave them alone?  Seems like there were a few other hints that I can't recall.


Quote from: EaterofBirds on August 23, 2011, 12:38:41 PM
Book of Eli was steaming pile of of those flicks, you kind of wish you didnt waste your time with. Where this one failed miserably, Stake Land excelled

I just finished watching Stake Land...pretty good.  Now I am off to get Pontypool.

btw--I enjoyed Monsters aswell although I wish there were more Monster shots.

Mr Neutron

scream 4.

exactly what was expected. a movie that tries to be as refreshing as the original was, but ups the cursing, kills, and "if this was a movie" nonsense.
Completely thought required. just a 90min time killer.
don't go out of your way, maybe just watch it if it's on tv, and you can't find the remote control.
"Where words fail, music speaks."


Quote from: deaner33 on August 23, 2011, 03:55:16 PM
Willb, have you seen Pontypool?  IIRC, it takes place in CANADA and it's not that bad for a low budget movie.

Good pick Deaner, thanks.  I enjoyed it alot.


Troll Hunter

One of the best monster movies I've seen in years. Makes me wanna visit Norway even more so now.

Mr Neutron


I was expecting a 'metal-head' comedy. I got a movie that tries too hard to make a statement about dealing with life's tragedies.
Preachy, with some really awkward dialog, and a lame...lame...lame plot.
Joseph Gordon Levvit, is really good despite the dead weight of his "Miscreant / Guru" character, as is the kid who plays TJ. Piper Laurie is enjoyable in her small role, and the scenes featuring her and Levvit almost make up for the rest of the dreck. Natalie Portman ,also in a small role, is horrible (mostly due to her awful dialog I think), and Rainn Wilson is just sorta there.

But, hey.... lotsa Metallica on the soundtrack, i guess.

6/10 only because of the "bong" scene.
"Where words fail, music speaks."


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Shocker

Quote from: Beerjerk on August 27, 2011, 09:45:21 PM
Troll Hunter

One of the best monster movies I've seen in years. Makes me wanna visit Norway even more so now.

Just watched this.  Really good, but the "found footage" device is getting old. 


Quote from: Beerjerk on August 27, 2011, 09:45:21 PM
Troll Hunter

One of the best monster movies I've seen in years. Makes me wanna visit Norway even more so now.

Great movie and the fact that Kvelertak was the music for the closing credits just made the movie that much better.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Shocker

Quote from: whoshotthefrog on September 04, 2011, 07:51:48 AM

How is this?  Every DVD I've seen lately has the trailer for it.  Definitely looks interesting.


Valhalla Rising 3 out of 5 stars

Nice, visually, but the plot was almost non-existent. I could have seen this movie go in many great directions, but it went nowhere. The first part, though, was very entertaining. The 2nd half, was confusing and virtually worthless.

The Shocker

Still processing this one - a very tough watch.