Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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World War Z.

How NOT to make a zombie-movie. They did expensive reshoots and hired three top-screenwriter for rewrites and still there are so many stupid ideas in the story that can only be explained by sheer laziness.
Like Pitt has to call his wife so she can catch the UN-top-guy for him.
Or the plane getting the clearance to land in Israel with no proof of not being infested.
No Israeli bothers to watch what the zombies are up to beyond the wall because they are busy singing.
Plain silly and a shame because the book is such a great read.


The Rambler (2013) - Lynchian weirdness. Not bad.

The Other (1972) - Creepy psychological horror. Based on Thomas Tryon's novel. Very atmospheric and downbeat.
bite me

The Shocker

Was there something to do with a hay loft and someone falling on a pitchfork in The Other?

That movie scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid, maybe 35 years ago.


There was a kid stuffed into a pickle barrel.


ELYSIUM.  Unbelievable effects and world-building.  Simplistic, politically idiotic and clunky storytelling.  Matt Damon is boring. Jodie Foster attempt at an accent blows her whole performance and Sharlto Copley is wasted.

I rewatched CONTACT.  Just as shitty as I remember.  Overly earnest with a crew of "colorful" scientists like in TWISTER.  When she goes through the wormhole, it's neat but the spiritual bullshit from David Morse and Matthew McConaughey is laughable.  Jake Busery's turn as the psych bomber is so over the top it's almost good.  And after seeing ELYSIUM, I now officially think Jodie Foster is a crummy actress.

TWILIGHT'S LAST GLEAMING.  1970s Political thriller/nuke takeover/Burt Lancaster movie.  Mildly amusing but not as fun as SKYJACKED starring Charlton Heston and James Brolin.


Yes, Elysium looked incredible but the story was so dumb it was offensive. I am getting so tired of these "I-got-four-minutes-to-solve-a-12-hour-problem"-scenarios. What's the point? Would it be less gripping if the timing would be a little more realisitic?


Quote from: The Shocker on September 10, 2013, 10:30:34 AM
Was there something to do with a hay loft and someone falling on a pitchfork in The Other?

That movie scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid, maybe 35 years ago.
Yeah, that's the one.
bite me


Excellent movie

It was ok too slow moving for me.


Quote from: jmucke on September 10, 2013, 12:07:03 PM
Yes, Elysium looked incredible but the story was so dumb it was offensive. I am getting so tired of these "I-got-four-minutes-to-solve-a-12-hour-problem"-scenarios. What's the point? Would it be less gripping if the timing would be a little more realisitic?

The opening "kids in the orphanage" was stupid, the set-up was stupid, based solely on "rich people are evil" without giving the slightest thought to how real human beings or real politics on Earth or Elysium might work (ignoring the fact that the population is expected to peak in the 2050s and then decline dramatically), the love story such as it was sucked, the little girl telling the meerkat story was laughable, Matt Damon should have had a full head of hair and THEN they shave his head to give him the exo-suit, Kruger did a lot of gibbering and rape-y pawing, his face was blown off and yet somehow his brain was still intact and functioning.  It was just stupid when it could've had a story as intricate as the EFX. 


World War Z - Better than I expected. The zombie attacks were surprisingly well done, even though I personally prefer the old-fashioned slow moving zombie.
bite me


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?


Quote from: ez on September 12, 2013, 03:38:32 AM
Quote from: whoshotthefrog on September 11, 2013, 06:43:22 PM

Rating? Worth a download?

I give it a 6 out of 10. I think the only reason i gave it that high was because I liek Matt Dillon. He was great in it. I guess it's worth a download, but I definitely wouldn't go buy it.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?

Demon Lung

Lords of Salem was an ok movie. Nothing special but not horrible. Star Trek into darkness made me realize that I want to fuck Alice eve in the ass.

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This Is The End - 7.5/10

funny. would probably watch again.

Now You See Me - 7/10

if only because I'm a sucker for heist movies, which this was - kind of.
Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?


Insidious - Chapter 2

Unbelievably lazy and lame.  The first one was no classic but it did have its charms in the first half before it went down into the netherworld where the red/black man was sharpening its nails.

This new one is just shitty.  Can't decide which character's story it is, recycles all the same motifs (and now you can really see from The Conjuring that these guys use the same ones over and over to diminishing returns).  No one acts like a real human being.  Story jumps from one location to the next (the abandoned hospital!  the killer's home where all his victims are still propped up, apparently years later!  three completely indistinguishable houses!)  Patrick Wilson is doing a Shining "crazy dad" number.   Rose Byrne just kinda walks around, gets scared, demands to move, gets talked out of it, repeats the next day.  The two ghost hunter types are supposed to be amusing but aren't.  And some of the worst fake beards in recent history.

Don't even watch on Netflix.


Well what did you expect? It's a sequel!  :P
bite me


I'm always hoping for a Road Warrior or Aliens.


Quote from: strangelight on September 12, 2013, 03:51:23 PM
Quote from: whoshotthefrog on September 11, 2013, 06:44:38 PM

how was it?

I liked it a lot. Michael Shannon is such a great actor, and he was definitely at the top of his game in this one.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Bandit

Quote from: boltthrow on September 17, 2013, 08:45:15 AM
Insidious - Chapter 2

Unbelievably lazy and lame.  The first one was no classic but it did have its charms in the first half before it went down into the netherworld where the red/black man was sharpening its nails.

This new one is just shitty.  Can't decide which character's story it is, recycles all the same motifs (and now you can really see from The Conjuring that these guys use the same ones over and over to diminishing returns).  No one acts like a real human being.  Story jumps from one location to the next (the abandoned hospital!  the killer's home where all his victims are still propped up, apparently years later!  three completely indistinguishable houses!)  Patrick Wilson is doing a Shining "crazy dad" number.   Rose Byrne just kinda walks around, gets scared, demands to move, gets talked out of it, repeats the next day.  The two ghost hunter types are supposed to be amusing but aren't.  And some of the worst fake beards in recent history.

Don't even watch on Netflix.

I was so pissed at the ending of the first one, there is no way I'll watch the second one.

Danny G

The Secret of Nikola Tesla (1980)

Biopic about Tesla. Not a very good movie at all.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


The new Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright movie, The World's End.  Not as good as Shaun Of The Dead but Pegg is great and it's their usual very clever, precisely controlled comedy / scifi.