Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Dogtown and Z-Boys (skateboarding documentary). Great stuff. I watched it twice. I never paid a lot of attention to that world, so it was good to get some of the names and roles sorted out. I know I'm way behind with my queue (came out like 10 years ago).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on June 19, 2012, 11:52:15 PM
Dogtown and Z-Boys (skateboarding documentary). Great stuff. I watched it twice. I never paid a lot of attention to that world, so it was good to get some of the names and roles sorted out. I know I'm way behind with my queue (came out like 10 years ago).

Never skated in my life but I love this movie and the soundtrack.
Killing threads is my business and business is good.


Been on a blockbusters on DVD kick here of late:

All pretty standard fare and marginally enjoyable.  I think JC's flop had more to do with marketing than content, but it didn't help that it looked like a rip-off of lots of other space operas (when in reality everything else was ripping of the Barsoom tales).  Holmes was ai'ght; weird seeing Layne Price again so soon after he offed himself.  I still prefer BBC's modern update to Hollywood's "gritty re-boot."  I never saw the third MI, so the coda at the end of this one didn't resonate with me at all, but the setpieces were clever and the action was well-done.

In short, billions of dollars were spent on moderately entertaining me for a few hours at the cost of three dollars.  Society is weird.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


It's really easy to embed a pic. Above the smilies, there's a row of icons (YouTube, etc). 5th one from the left looks like a tiny landscape photo. Click that, then past your link in-between. Or just highlight your link after you paste it in the message, and then click that icon.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on June 22, 2012, 12:26:25 AM
It's really easy to embed a pic....

:D It sure is if you're not derpy and totally forget to. 

Also I view this site with pics off becuase I'm at work, so it looks the same to me whether I embed them or not.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"

deleted account

"I think they're talking aboot the OG Bad Lieutenant w/ Harvey Keitel.  Worth a watch if you enjoyed Port of Call New Orelans."

lord have mercy.  Bad Lieutenant is an all-time classic and one of the best (if not THE best) Keitel performances.  I was lucky enough to have seen it on the big screen.  POC New Orleans needs to replace the "C" with an "S".  beyond laughable.  and I had high hopes but only got a couple chuckles from the ridiculous dialog.  it's a crime that it shares the same name as "the original".  an appropriate title would've been Bad Idea.

Dogtown and Z-Boys fucking rules btw


bad lieutenant is required viewing.  period.  serious fucking classic.  i could only watch like 10 minutes of that port of call thing.  terrible.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.


based on the first book that hunter s thompson wrote (but not the first one published), depp plays thompson/paul drake as he boozes his way through puerto rico. none of the dreamy LSD trip of fear and loathing, but the HST mannerisms are still there, particularly near the end of the film. slowly paced and amber heard does not show her lesbian titties as promised, and it's far too involved in some real estate deal that thompson/drake isn't sufficiently enraged by (though it ends up becoming what makes him HST). giovanni ribisi is fucking amazing as a burnt out neo-nazi paranoid newspaper writer that works with drake. worth watching just for him, really.

2.5/4 stars


Rachel Getting Married - pretty good ensemble cast drama about the black sheep sister (Anne Hathaway) getting released from rehab to attend her sister's wedding. Directed by Jonathan Demme. Had lots of good scenes and good acting (and Anne Hathaway is hott).

But if you can only stand to watch one "dysfunctional wedding movie" with a large ensemble cast, you should probably pick "Margot at the Wedding" which was similar, but slightly better (and has Jack Black, and Jennifer Jason Leigh shows her tits). "Margot..." has some twists & turns, and has some dark comedy, while "Rachel..." is more straight ahead and serious, and maybe a little heavier than it should have been. Not a bad movie, 7/10 while "Margot..." is 8.5/10
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Demon Lung

The newer Sherlock Holmes movie isn't half bad


Quote from: Lumpy on June 24, 2012, 06:41:42 PM
Rachel Getting Married - pretty good ensemble cast drama about the black sheep sister (Anne Hathaway) getting released from rehab to attend her sister's wedding. Directed by Jonathan Demme. Had lots of good scenes and good acting (and Anne Hathaway is hott).

But if you can only stand to watch one "dysfunctional wedding movie" with a large ensemble cast, you should probably pick "Margot at the Wedding" which was similar, but slightly better (and has Jack Black, and Jennifer Jason Leigh shows her tits). "Margot..." has some twists & turns, and has some dark comedy, while "Rachel..." is more straight ahead and serious, and maybe a little heavier than it should have been. Not a bad movie, 7/10 while "Margot..." is 8.5/10

I've seen both movies and both are really good but I like Margot at the Wedding more. The toasting scene in Rachel Getting Married was difficult to watch. Anne Hathaway completely embarrassed herself.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I just watched NEDS, directed and shot in Glasgow by Peter Mullan. It's about a young Catholic working class lad who despite his intelligence and strong work ethic ends up embroiled in 70's Glasgow gang culture.

The image above is one of the key scenes. Threatened with a crossbow the main character tapes kitchen knives to his hands and walks over the bridge that separates his territory from the rival gang. He then sets about the rival gang leader, stabbing him and a number of the rival gang members in the process.

This could have been an excuse for mindless violence but it's actually a brilliant character study. You lot will need the subtitles though.
Lemur Demands Back Scratches!



german film about a pedophile that keeps a 10 year old boy locked in his basement.  no graphic rape scenes or anything.  just a slice of life in a pedo's life.  really disturbing if you get disturbed even moderately.  i don't.  it's creepy-weird shit though.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.


TED -- although it had its funny parts, it was pretty much as I expected.  Very much like a family guy episode.  I only laughed once, however everyone else seemed to pissing themselves.

Raid Redemption -- lots of holes in the story.  However I liked the idea(s) put forth in the movie and the action was incredible.

Iron Sky -- dumb.  The blonde woman in it was hot though.


spiderman was not sure i like the blonde..the lizard could have looked better..his face was too human..not bad was a good way to spend a few hours in some ac and out of the 90 degree hot humid weather..


I am surprised that you went and watched it.  Did you feel it was similiar to the spiderman movies done with Tobe?


Rampart.  So-so movie, great performance by Woody Harrelson.


Quote from: mortlock on July 11, 2012, 01:03:48 AM
spiderman was not sure i like the blonde..the lizard could have looked better..his face was too human..not bad was a good way to spend a few hours in some ac and out of the 90 degree hot humid weather..

I saw this last night and walked away with pretty negative feelings toward it, initially.

Upon reflection, for what it was, I guess it was a pretty good representation of what the comic book is/was like. So, kudos in that it was true to form in that respect.

I guess, for me, the "super hero" thing doesn't translate real well for me to the screen. It's very rounded, one dimensional stuff that is confined by its audience and by its very nature. It's good fun for some people, but I just have to realize that I need to take it for what it is.

That said, pretty bad rendition of "The Lizard". I mean, I know he can't be running around in the white lab coat like in the comics, but the face (as mortlock said) was pretty "off". He resembled kind of a hybrid gorilla/lizard as opposed to more true lizard look from the comics.




moonrise kingdom was really good. some genuinely funny moments. very typical wes anderson, though, so if you don't dig him, don't go. if you do, do. lotta hank williams on the soundtrack. bill murray's belly. edward norton was awesome in it. seven thumbs up out of 93% fresh.


Quote from: strangelight on July 13, 2012, 09:54:15 AM
moonrise kingdom was really good. some genuinely funny moments. very typical wes anderson, though, so if you don't dig him, don't go. if you do, do. lotta hank williams on the soundtrack. bill murray's belly. edward norton was awesome in it. seven thumbs up out of 93% fresh.

This finally came to my area, but I think I may wait for DVD.  I dig Anderson's style, but I feel like his flicks are better enjoyed at home.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


yeah, i don't think you'd lose anything by not seeing it in a big theater.


Except your wallet if you're not careful.  Or maybe your keys.

Narco Pollo

Quote from: CanookieWookie on July 10, 2012, 09:50:51 AM
TED -- although it had its funny parts, it was pretty much as I expected.  Very much like a family guy episode.  I only laughed once, however everyone else seemed to pissing themselves.

Raid Redemption -- lots of holes in the story.  However I liked the idea(s) put forth in the movie and the action was incredible.

Iron Sky -- dumb.  The blonde woman in it was hot though.

Yeah Iron Sky was really dumb, that's the best way to describe it.  I really wanted to like it, and it had a lot of promise, good idea, etc, but was just too dumb in it's execution.
Drug Chicken