Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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I saw Red Tails the other night. It's certainly not for everyone but I really enjoyed it. It had some Hollywoodisms for sure, but not as much as you'd expect from Lucas at this point. I thought the sequencing was fairly well-balanced and nicely executed for the most part, but what really got me were the battle scenes. They're the best I've ever seen in an air combat film. There are some great examples of real manuevers which have been sorely missing from just about every other film of this type, and the action is just top-notch. This is worth seeing for the white knuckle flying sequences alone. I've scene shitloads of this genre of movie, air combat being one of my historical fascinations, and this one has been my favorite by a longshot.


Demon Lung

Quote from: EaterofBirds on February 13, 2012, 09:44:41 AM
Texas Killing Fields..not too bad, not great

Snowtown..not bad, little rough to watch at times.
the one thing that bothered me about Texas killing fields. The blonde hair white pimp guy shot numerous cops. They just stopped looking for him. He was the main antogonist in the story for most of it


If you're in the mood for something grim this will do the trick.  Well done. I don't listen to black metal but for some reason this is like the movie version of black metal to me.  Lots of despair to be found in this film. 


Towelhead - Dark, semi-amusing-yet-disturbing 'coming of age' tale of a Lebanese-American teen (tween?) girl in Texas, during the time of the first Gulf War. One of those movies where most of the characters are highly unlikable assholes (so, feels true to life, even though it's fictional). Some good characters and good acting (the usually-creepy Aaron Sorkin, that might be a tip-off). I liked it, but whether it would fly with some of you 'big explosion' fans is debatable (no big explosions). Lets say 7.5/10
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


i saw Towelhead a few years ago.  that's one horny tween.

saw Dogtooth the other night.  Stupidly weird just to be weird.
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: Lumpy on February 20, 2012, 03:14:34 PM
Towelhead - Dark, semi-amusing-yet-disturbing 'coming of age' tale of a Lebanese-American teen (tween?) girl in Texas, during the time of the first Gulf War. One of those movies where most of the characters are highly unlikable assholes (so, feels true to life, even though it's fictional). Some good characters and good acting (the usually-creepy Aaron Sorkin, that might be a tip-off). I liked it, but whether it would fly with some of you 'big explosion' fans is debatable (no big explosions). Lets say 7.5/10

Did this come out maybe 5-6 years ago? I think I saw this when it first was released.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Demon Lung on February 18, 2012, 09:56:57 AM
Quote from: EaterofBirds on February 13, 2012, 09:44:41 AM
Texas Killing Fields..not too bad, not great

Snowtown..not bad, little rough to watch at times.
the one thing that bothered me about Texas killing fields. The blonde hair white pimp guy shot numerous cops. They just stopped looking for him. He was the main antogonist in the story for most of it

I agree. As soon as he shot his partner his storyline was finished.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I agree as well. No resolution to that angle of the story at all. It left me wondering why it was included at all other than to add an extra dimension to the movie.

The whole movie left me frustrated and unsatisfied overall. Not recommended.



Had its funny parts.

Not bad.


Saw this yesterday:

Pretty awesome if you like Studio Ghibli and/or G-rated movies.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: whoshotthefrog on February 26, 2012, 05:12:47 PM

Highly recommended.

I heard good things about this one at poker Wednesday night.

The Shocker

Semi-successful Russ Meyer homage.


I saw this Saturday night (rental). I thought it was pretty bad. Same guy that did Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy (del Toro), but he produced this instead of directed. So, it had the feel of one of his movies, but this pretty much stunk it up. It wasn't scary and the plot was thoroughly predictable.

The Shocker

Quote from: GodShifter on February 27, 2012, 05:49:39 PM

I saw this Saturday night (rental). I thought it was pretty bad. Same guy that did Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy (del Toro), but he produced this instead of directed. So, it had the feel of one of his movies, but this pretty much stunk it up. It wasn't scary and the plot was thoroughly predictable.



Quote from: deaner33 on February 27, 2012, 07:50:30 PM
Quote from: GodShifter on February 27, 2012, 05:49:39 PM

I saw this Saturday night (rental). I thought it was pretty bad. Same guy that did Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy (del Toro), but he produced this instead of directed. So, it had the feel of one of his movies, but this pretty much stunk it up. It wasn't scary and the plot was thoroughly predictable.


I saw this a while ago and pretty much any movie with Katie Holmes in it sucks.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Shocker

True, but I kind of liked the movie where she showed her tits.  The one with Giovani Ribisi and the "blue diamond".


Quote from: GodShifter on February 27, 2012, 05:49:39 PM

I saw this Saturday night (rental). I thought it was pretty bad. Same guy that did Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy (del Toro), but he produced this instead of directed. So, it had the feel of one of his movies, but this pretty much stunk it up. It wasn't scary and the plot was thoroughly predictable.

Just the fact that Katie Holmes was in it instantly made it a shit movie.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


So you're saying you're not a fan of Katie Holmes?  :D

I don't like her either as an actress, but you must admit she's fairly nice to look at.


Quote from: I,Galactus on February 26, 2012, 12:54:23 PM
Saw this yesterday:

Pretty awesome if you like Studio Ghibli and/or G-rated movies.

I had a great time too. I almost had the whole theater to myself, stupid humans.


Quote from: GodShifter on February 28, 2012, 12:10:35 PM
So you're saying you're not a fan of Katie Holmes?  :D

I don't like her either as an actress, but you must admit she's fairly nice to look at.

I would bend her over the kitchen sink and give it to her hard but she wouldn't be my first choice. Kate Beckinsale on the other had would be at the top of my list.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: mandoron on February 28, 2012, 12:13:28 PM
Quote from: I,Galactus on February 26, 2012, 12:54:23 PM
Saw this yesterday:

Pretty awesome if you like Studio Ghibli and/or G-rated movies.

I had a great time too. I almost had the whole theater to myself, stupid humans.

Really?  You must have seen an evening showing.  The matinee last weekend was choc-a-block w/ 6 year olds.  They seemed to enjoy it too, though.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


I hit the 4:45pm showing, which didn't have matinee prices. I was envious of the other viewer who came in after all the previews.