Band members who can't/don't pay rent, how far do you let it go?

Started by Wesogkan, April 02, 2011, 03:05:24 AM

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I'm awake right now, can't sleep, and stressed to hell over a stupid situation that seems to have built up over the past 3-4 months. I'm about to lose my band space over one person. My policy has always been, when trying out a new band member, the first month they are there I don't make them pay rent.

I've been playing with peoples (I'm in 2 different bands in the same space) for 3 months now and have had to personally pay one's share of the rent for 1 month. I made it clear I couldn't and wouldn't cover them last month. This person's share of the rent has gone completely unpaid for March. I brought it up that rent was overdue and this would be a major problem a couple weeks ago. Now it is a major problem. Our room has collectively been hit with late fees over it and the other band we share with is fucking livid (understandably). They made it clear that this person had to go over a month ago if they didn't cough up the rent. Now it's April, rent due on the first and band practice is tomorrow. Now it's clear that I'm going to get booted as well over this shit if they aren't out ASAP. Fun.  

Is this common or are people around here just flakey as hell?


People EVERYWHERE are flaky as hell. I canned all of my bandmates because none of them had their own equipment, and wouldn't help me pay for the jam space.

Fuck 'em, I'm going to pull a "Thrones."
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Hahahahaha...I wouldn't even bother auditioning someone without their own gear.

I just think it fucking sucks. Shit gets frustrating when it's been 20 years and the major obstacle has been finding the right people. I've been trying to put this band together for 3 years now. I've dedicated my life to learning this shit and being good at it, I can play 3 instruments proficiently, but can't find the same dedicated people who aren't already in 3 bands...arghhhhh!

Maybe I need to move...don't think I could ever afford the Bay Area though.    


fuck people. they all suck....and what kind of musician doesnt have gear..obviously not a very serious one..


I can appreciate the dilemma. Trouble is, even if the "deadbeat" gets booted, his/her share of the rent is still unpaid. Seems like a band meeting is called for, both with and without the party in question.

On the agenda: Do the other members, collectively, have the cash, and the will to carry said member? Is said member irreplaceable? Or is it just a hassle to find a new drummer/bass player/guitarist/whatever?
After all the above, lay it out. "Dude come up with the money, today! or you're out." Or, "Dude, much as it pisses us off to do so, we're gonna carry your happy ass for another month, because you're so essential to this band."
A wooly man without a face, or a beast without a name.

bass sic

Boot him now. If he's this irresponsible and broke now, how is he gonna kick in his share of work at gigs and future recording and what not? 


Well, pretty much everyone in all the bands in the room are broke, so no, no one can carry said person, I'm screwed from carrying one month. Most of us don't have jobs right now and still swing practice space rent because it's a priority. The band that secured the space, moved in first and paid off the security deposit wasn't thrilled a month ago, now they'll be livid.

It's not easy finding anyone around here, especially drummers and bassists.


Does this person on their own gear and/or leave it the practice space and can you change the locks?

If so change the locks and hold their gear hostage and tell them that you will sell it for the amount of rent they owe.

It's stuff like this that makes me understand why there are so many two piece bands nowadays.


I'm lucky in the fact that my band room is in my house!  I couldn't even imagine having to pay rent for a bandroom on top of all the other bullshit in life.  Everything is so fuckin expensive right now......good luck man, hope you get it figured out.


Quote from: EddieMullet on April 02, 2011, 06:29:24 PM
Does this person on their own gear and/or leave it the practice space and can you change the locks?

If so change the locks and hold their gear hostage and tell them that you will sell it for the amount of rent they owe.

It's stuff like this that makes me understand why there are so many two piece bands nowadays.

If the guy was a dick, sure. But I consider him a friend at this point so I can't roll that way. He mentioned he was broke the first month we played together, but I thought 'aren't we all?' and figured that would change after a month or 2. Bloody hell.


I think a new cheaper(free) practice spot may be in order. I know that is not always the case. When my old band rented a rehearsal space we, used gig money to fund it and we shared the space with another band that had their OWN equipment in there as well...we did not share any equipment, i must repeat that part. That opens up a whole new door sharing stuff.  But sometimes one person had to front the bill but they ALWAYS got paid back with gig money or when everyone was able to. Open the communication before it really becomes an issue and you lose a member.
"We just want to make the walls cave in and the ceiling collapse. Music is meant to be played as loudly as possible, really raw and punchy, and I'll punch out anyone who doesn't like it the way I do." - BON SCOTT, AC/DC


I've only been in 2 bands ever that had a free practice space, one was a kid's bedroom in a punk band eons ago..needless to say that never went anywhere. The other was my former drummer's house an hour drive away. Would've spent more on fuel than rent on that one. Now he lives 15 min away and I play drums for him at my space.

There are 3 (supposedly 4 as of this month) bands sharing the space right now, I'm in 2 of them, and one other is a 2 piece. When he started playing with me there were 3 people covering $350 in rent. We moved to a bigger room, rent went we have people to cover it so it's cheap, but too little too late. 


Why are you personally paying this dudes share? or did i misread and your band is covering him?

If everybody is pissed then the band that this guy is in should confront him with the ultimatum: Pay up or get out! If he leaves you guys will still be paying more but at least you won't have a leech sucking the free practice spot from you.
"We just want to make the walls cave in and the ceiling collapse. Music is meant to be played as loudly as possible, really raw and punchy, and I'll punch out anyone who doesn't like it the way I do." - BON SCOTT, AC/DC


Move your band out if you can't afford it. Rent an hourly practice space where everybody chips in their 10 bucks or whatever. Or give the dude an ultimatum - gotta get his gear out of the room, to make room for the people who pay. Then the rent is split evenly among everybody else. Unless everybody else agrees to cover him, which I doubt.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: hayseed on April 03, 2011, 05:41:28 PM
Why are you personally paying this dudes share? or did i misread and your band is covering him?

If everybody is pissed then the band that this guy is in should confront him with the ultimatum: Pay up or get out! If he leaves you guys will still be paying more but at least you won't have a leech sucking the free practice spot from you.

With 2 people looking for a bassist, I am the band covering him. 


Quote from: Lumpy on April 03, 2011, 06:02:55 PM
Move your band out if you can't afford it. Rent an hourly practice space where everybody chips in their 10 bucks or whatever. Or give the dude an ultimatum - gotta get his gear out of the room, to make room for the people who pay. Then the rent is split evenly among everybody else. Unless everybody else agrees to cover him, which I doubt.

Ha, any idea how long it takes to find a practice space around here? I'm never giving this spot up...besides it's freakin' sweet. I can afford it, I can't afford to pay it for 2 people...and shouldn't have to.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I guess this is a complaining thread, since you're rejected all the logical options. Yeah, it sucks. I paid for somebody else for about a year, it really sucks when they blow off practice when you're the one paying for everything. Eventually I squeezed as many other people into the space as possible, to lower the rent, to the point that I could no longer use the room for everything I wanted to have a room for - there wasn't enough space. Eventually I gave up on the room. Now I rent hourly, it's simpler.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on April 03, 2011, 09:32:32 PM
I guess this is a complaining thread, since you're rejected all the logical options. Yeah, it sucks. I paid for somebody else for about a year, it really sucks when they blow off practice when you're the one paying for everything. Eventually I squeezed as many other people into the space as possible, to lower the rent, to the point that I could no longer use the room for everything I wanted to have a room for - there wasn't enough space. Eventually I gave up on the room. Now I rent hourly, it's simpler.

Having them move out wasn't a logical option? Oh well, said and done.

Not about to overcrowd or lose the room, I'll keep looking for someone who can (more like 'will') pay. Seriously, if I can afford it, ANYONE can. I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with a lack of drive and commitment here.

And doesn't it suck when you're the only one who ever brings weed? Or in some cases beer?


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


He owes he $97.50 for one month, then $85.50 for the next month (my other band started up, someone else moved in rent went down). April would've been only $37.50 since we've got 4th band in there now, and even less next month because my other band found a bassist. Oh well. 


Quote from: Wesogkan on April 03, 2011, 10:01:12 PM
And doesn't it suck when you're the only one who ever brings weed? Or in some cases beer?

yup, im in this boat too.


I let it go pretty far w/ some of my guys... But I make more money than them, etc. so I try to give 'em leeway. If it was painful for me financially, I'd make a bigger stink. The only time I get really pissed is when guys who should be able to afford it blow it on other things and make me wait and then I'll give 'em shit.
"I have today made a discovery which will ensure the supremacy of German music for the next hundred years."


2 bands looking for a bassist?  I had to switch to guitar because there were so many bass players and no one wanted to play guitar.

I guess it's a 'Burgh thing?


Quote from: EddieMullet on April 04, 2011, 02:21:06 PM
2 bands looking for a bassist?  I had to switch to guitar because there were so many bass players and no one wanted to play guitar.

I guess it's a 'Burgh thing?
HA ha ! What part of Pittsburgh are you from? I switched to bass because i couldn't find a bass player! Christ i may switch to drums before its all said and done...
"We just want to make the walls cave in and the ceiling collapse. Music is meant to be played as loudly as possible, really raw and punchy, and I'll punch out anyone who doesn't like it the way I do." - BON SCOTT, AC/DC