Comcast buys Time Warner

Started by Jor el, February 13, 2014, 09:40:00 AM

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Jor el

If the deal is approved, the combined group will be the country's dominant provider of television channels and Internet services.
What Would Scooby Do ?


If this truly happens we are proper fucked.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


The Bandit

I said fuck you to Comcast a couple of years ago.  I love my Uverse.


I hope to Crom the federal government nixes the whole deal, lock, stock and barrel.
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


Some days chickens, some days feathers

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


Some days chickens, some days feathers

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


i hope they have better customer service phone people than time warner.


Did you know you can swap out your cable box DVR for a new model whenever you like? Did you know Comcast has a pretty good iPad app that is much better than the on screen guide?  I use it to set our capable boxes to record shows remotely all the time.

Still waiting to hear why we are truly fucked
Some days chickens, some days feathers


netflix just inked a deal with comcast to have access to their broadband network. apparently netflix had a few months worth of data to show that comcast was indeed throttling their streams if comcast subscribers were viewing netflix.

historically, netflix had to get access to comcast subscribers through third party providers.

this may render net neutrality dead.

Comcast is the devil.

"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


Shaft, I've had two subscriptions to comcast in my life. Both lasted a few years. My hatred of them stems from multiple facets.

1) My monthly bill increasing for no apparent reason. My basic plan stayed the same, but every month there was an extra four or five bucks due to fees and taxes. so after a couple months I was paying a hundred and ten bucks a month for basic cable.

2) The second time we got a subscription was years ago when HD was shiny and new. The first three months were free and we got every channel they had. Then the promo was cancelled and we went to the basic plan. A few months later we got a bill for $700 bucks. they said we didn't have the promo and that we owed them for all the HD channels. after hours on the phone they finally caved, but why do I have to spend hours on the phone and endure all sorts of frustration when it's your fault you can't figure out your bureaucracy. 

3) Their billing/stalking practices as far as cable boxes. when we cancelled for the last time, they said they would pick up the box at our door..... after they failed to show up three times, so we said to hell with them. Then we get a bill for 400 dollars for the box. Yet another few hours on the phone until they caved.

Until eight months later when we get a letter saying we owed for the box or they were going to collections.

That plus their constant bid to take over the world.

Cable television, the biggest scam the american public has ever seen. Everybody has it, everybody pays well over a grand a year to have it, and everybody always says 'there's nothing on'. 

"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


This information brought to you by 2008

Some days chickens, some days feathers


right, because in 2009 they still wanted to control everything... just in a kinder, gentler way. 
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


Quote from: peoplething on February 24, 2014, 03:45:24 PM
...Cable television, the biggest scam the american public has ever seen. Everybody has it, everybody pays well over a grand a year to have it, and everybody always says 'there's nothing on'. 

Maybe because I'm old, maybe because I'm cheap, but I have never had cable or satellite t.v. I just can't see paying and still having to watch commercials. Paying for a dozen religious channels. Paying for channels that are nothing but commercials. Paying for channels that are essentially re-runs of shows that were on "regular" t.v. No thanks. And now with the innerwebs talking to my t.v. and blu-ray player, I can scope out the hot cable shows for free.

Besides, I like the way my fancy-pants enormo screen t.v. looks with an old school pair of rabbit ears peeking out the back.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

Jor el

That article failed to mention that Comcast is The Devil
What Would Scooby Do ?


You were right we are now oppressed
Some days chickens, some days feathers


Fight the Power!

wanna tell the FCC not to side with The Devil?

btw, the internet should absolutely be classified a utility and not a service. tens of millions of people depend on it not for luxury, but their livelihood.  
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator


good write up. looks like the vote will get through too.

"...Wheeler said Wednesday that he wants to regulate Internet providers with the most aggressive tool at his disposal: Title II of the Communications Act...."
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator