True detective

Started by RAGER, January 12, 2014, 11:17:29 PM

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Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.

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The hype has been so extreme with this show that it's not surprising that people/critics are slamming the second season.

I liked this first episode and I thought it had the requisite menacing noir atmosphere we've come to expect.  It's not clear yet whether the characters will be as compelling although there's a lot of promise so far.


It's not clear yet whether the characters will be as compelling?

I'll come back here and butt fuck your mom with your dad's headless corpse.

-Ray Velcoro

1000% on board


Just got through ep 2 and I get the feeling I'll have to watch the whole damn season all over once it's finished.

Jor el

[spoiler]Did they just pull a Game of Thrones ?[/spoiler]

What Would Scooby Do ?


Killing threads is my business and business is good.


I wouldn't know...

Because I don't watch that hacky shit.


Just so you know, I support feminism, mostly by having body-image issues.


The Shocker

"Guy really thought about fucking a lot. "

Fuck you!


The interesting lines fly by and it's not involving. The pacing is weird.  They will get it together.

Also, S2 ep2 - I guess that's to keep us from bailing this early. OMG!
Some days chickens, some days feathers

Jor el


What Would Scooby Do ?


The Shocker

The dialogue this week?  Terrible.

Fuck you!

deleted account

Terry Southern over here


I'm still not sure what to think of this season. I don't really give a shit about the dialogue, but the story is still confusing (but starting to make a tad more sense).

Colin Farrell = broken, dirty cop, but, perhaps on the way to redemption (btw, cheap ass ploy to have the audience think he's killed only to make it not be the case; plus the awkward Lynchian dream sequence to start things off)
Rachel McAdams = tough, bitter, don't fuck with me or I'll kill you woman police officer, but dealing with her own vices, demons, and what not
Taylor Kitsch = closeted gay state trooper out of his element yet, is in his element
Vince Vaughn = tough guy underworld type who has to get his hands dirty after so many years of being out of that realm

I think Vaughn does not pull off his character that well and the story tries too hard to show the underbelly of Vinci and how fucked up humans, wealthy or poor, are in terms of their motivations and how fragile their psyches are

The Shocker

Quote from: priest on July 06, 2015, 04:44:56 PM
Terry Southern over here

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the TV/Movies Review Room.

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The Shocker

I'm fairly well rounded.  I'm not just the trainwrecking sexual deviant I portray myself as in Gen Disc.   ;)   

deleted account

yes, you do have your moments.

I happen to find nothing wrong with the dialogue.  I like the weird Lynch-y shit that's not too Lynch-y.  Ferrell is great and Vince is not bad, and his wife's hella hot

The Shocker

Maybe it's a California thing?  I was fine with last season's dialogue.

deleted account

I also appreciate them not following a formula

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...or an hour with a non-fictional traffic estimate


Shit just went sideways