I'm thinking about a master......

Started by RAGER, July 08, 2013, 10:34:23 AM

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volume in my Super Bass.  It was already louder than bejeesus before I got some of the wiring sorted out, it's even louder now.  So I'm considering using one of the speaker jack holes for the knob.  But what I'm looking for is suggestions as to what type I should install or should I just get a good quality attenuator.

Imma finna have to dust off my techy arguing hat as I haven't had this argument in a while.

I look forward to all your suggestions and relish the prospect of a good master volume versus attenuator shitstorm.


P.S.  The amp in question is a Plexi era Super Bass. laydown xfmr solid core secondary.  It really is something.

P.s.s. Tech also suggestion ef86 mod.  Thoughts?
No Focus Pocus


Long as you don't drill it, do what you want. The MV mod is reversible. There's also a mod you can do to defeat the master so it goes back to NVM. Fuck attenuators.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



You could also use one of the front inputs but yeah nothing wrong with adding an MV that's reversible. I liked the post phase inverter master volume I did on a reissue.


my recommendation, dont mod the amp. Buy a good attenuator.

But if you do need to mod the amp, then a PPIMV is a good choice.

Im generally against modding amps, practically shits on their value


No Focus Pocus


Huh? I figured there'd be more input.  fuck it I think Imma finna do one and a LarMar and not report back.
No Focus Pocus

clockwork green

A variac would get more breakup at less volume since you'll have less voltage hitting the tubes you'll reduce the headroom (90-95V seems to be the brown sound sweet spot). You can also effectively cut the wattage in half (-3db) by cutting the speakers in half or you less efficient, more vintage style speakers. Master's don't often sound that good plus I hate seeing needless modifications to vintage amps.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


When I get a minute, I'll have to find/link a great article I read about volume attenuation. A couple of guys took a very different approach and ended up being able to do all the volume reduction on the speaker end. It's been a while since I read it, but basically they somehow configured a speaker with an electromagnet that they were able to dial down and control the efficiency, therefore volume. I think I remember that they were able to get the same "sweet spot" amplifier distortion at almost any volume. Super interesting.