Battlestar Galactica: Blood And Chrome

Started by neighbor664, November 10, 2012, 02:08:45 AM

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neato. so this is a tv movie? miniseries? i never got into caprica, but i loved BSG until that last season.


My understanding is that it is a movie that was made with the intent of kicking off a new series. A series that SyFy shelved.
After lots of fan demand they are releasing the movie on DVD in February. Yes, AFTER the holidays. SyFy really are boneheads!
The webisodes are just 12 minute slices of the full movie. SyFy channel dropped the ball big time on this one.
It's the kind of moronic shit we've come to expect from a network that dropped Sci-Fi in favor of SyFy and wrestling.

There is so much potential in the BSG universe for so many spin-offs. It's a shame they haven't done a better, more creative job of it.
Just the premise that "this has all happened before, and will happen again" opens up the possibility for many parralel sub stories throughout the universe and time.
I think even a space mafia show about the Ha'la'tha introduced in Caprica could work. I don't think Caprica was so bad either. It could have been better though.
It seems like they just kinda gave up on the franchise.



I guess I'll watch Caprica finally to prep for this.  Loved BSG, at least the first 2 or 3 seasons of the last reboot.  Not that it ever got bad, it just went downhill like everything else does.

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So far i'm pretty impressed. Interesting to see Ronald D. Moore not being involved. In fact he's dropped off the face of the Earth.
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