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Finding new members?

Started by Andrew Blakk, January 16, 2013, 03:33:49 PM

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Andrew Blakk

So, we're on the hunt of a new bass player.

What is a band to do then? When my former band were searching for a singer ages ago

Which are the do's and don'ts? Do you have any strategies?
What's the most important issues for you?

For my part: Well we have to work on a musical basis, to have an understanding. Skills are good but if you don't understand what the band is doing then it's doomed in the long run (sort of what happen now lol).
And I don't necessarily have to become best friends but it has to be fun to hang out once in a while. Especially if your traveling.

I guess it gets more difficult the older you get and when there's money involeved (more than just paying the rehearsal space), plans to be made, families to be considered.. It was easier earlier on when you didn't have to think ahead so much...  ;D

Corey Y

I feel like I should have something more practical and constructive to add on this topic, but for me it comes down (seemingly) to gut feelings and pure luck. I've been trying to start a band within the stoner/sludge/doom genres for at least 12 years and only started to get somewhere in the last 2 or 3. One was joining a band because I just happen to have an ad up on CL for a microphone and got to chit chatting with someone who ended up being a member of a doom metal band from my area that had been broken up for years. Turns out they were getting back together and needed a bassist, I went and jammed with them and it was just obvious I knew the music/influences, could play and got along with them personally. I just ended up starting a new band this month with a guy I've known for years who plays guitar. Two of our old bands toured together, I've recorded some of his other bands and last year I recorded a project for him and played bass on it. After all that time he's now getting into bands like Sleep and EW and asked me if I wanted to start a stoner/doom type band, knowing that's what I'm into and that I love to write that kind of music. We already get along, there's a clear frame of reference for what we want to do musically, we're both huge gear fiends (I also play guitar, he also plays bass) and we both have a sense of cooperation when it comes to tones and writing.

So I think a huge part of it is timing and networking, putting the feelers out. The other part, being right upfront about what you want out of a band, what you're willing to put in and how you like to operate. I've had a lot of messy false starts and now I'm not shy at all about communicating my desires or opinions about those things, creatively and logistically/financially/commitment wise.

Andrew Blakk

Great input!

Yeah it's true what you say about networking and circumstances. Looking back I guess most of the times there are some sort of earlier connection to the people I've hooked up with. Even though it would be through a guitar forum or whatever.

Well it's going to be interesting to see how it goes.  ;D It can't be that hard to find a bass player who's a fast learner, rocks out on the stage, has studio experience, want's to throw his/her hard earned money right into a band, is around 35-45, and think it's fun to play gigs in front on 20 people, trying to balance between kids/family/work and rehersals/gigs/studio time... etc etc



I don't know if you have Craigslist in non-America, but here's what I have do when I need new members.

I use the "Casual Encounters" section so people know that I'm not uptight, but rather a pretty loose, freewheeling guy – aka...veeeerrrrryyy casual. Somewhere in the title of the ad is "m4mm", since I'm a male looking for male members.

Hope that helps!


put a craigslist ad up, go to the open mics and open jam sessions in the area, hang out at the practice studios or put up fliers there, etc etc


Throw up flyers in music stores.  I would also before joining anything go out drinking with the guy/people/gals/whatever.  You are going to be spending lots of time with these people make sure they aren't dicks before you make the group official.


Craigslist, talk to people in bands you know, talk to people at shows, music stores, that's about all I got.

agent of change

Don't know about other cities, but where I'm at Craigslist is a fucking wasteland of flakey drizzle.

I try to talk to folks when I go out to doom/sludge shows but most dudes around here are already in at least one band.
We didn't come here for economic politics or religious bickering, we came to rock.


c.l. seems to more often than not be a dead end. if you have a cool indie record store in your area, id start there. let the people know what you are looking for, give them your contact and hang up fliers. if you know the dudes that work there, they will automatically take care of half the screening process for you.

Metal and Beer

Keep asking/smoozing at shows, the advantage there is encountering/interacting (ahem, judging lol) the folks face to face before things ever get more serious..
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"
