Hartke, Ampeg, and other stuff...

Started by BastardCthulhu, November 10, 2012, 09:14:03 AM

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Of COURSE I want that kind of rig...but I do not and will not have that kind of scratch to play with.  Keeping it simple dude.


Found a steady gig with a somewhat local heavy metal band.  I'm happy with it.  They're a bunch of serious semi-pro types, and know how to manage their shit.  We jammed on Maiden tunes for a few hours (my only real saving grace is that I can sound exactly like Steve Harris), ran through some other classic shit (Dio-era Sabbath, Anthrax, Metallica, etc) hung out and had a few beers, and I landed the gig.  Go me.


Things are going well with the band.  They had 4 originals in the can when I joined, so I've been working my way around learning those.  The gear situation is resolved.  I made a serious score yesterday, landing an Acoustic 600w head and 8x10 cab.  No longer am I a slave to the Pod.  Stupid digital.  The only thing I really need now is to either trade my bass for a 5 string, or buy another 4 string, since they, whoops WE, use multiple tunings.  First gig is in April, so we have our work cut out for us. 


Howdy Bastard. I got that exact setup last fall when they were blowing them out at Guitar Center (fuck that place, though). I saw in another thread that you paid $550, which is just about what I paid. It's an unbelievable setup for that money, IMO.

They seem to get a lot of slag on the internet, but tone wise, I'm not complaining. Sure, I've heard better bass amps, but rarely for that kind I money I haven't. I'm hoping the reliability doesn't become an issue as it seems to be with some peoples'.


I've heard horror stories about these heads giving out after only a few serious sessions, but I put the fucker through its paces before I bought it.  Seems legit, and who could pass that kind of power for the money?  Not I, says the Bastard.  Of course, they probably don't hold a candle to the original Acoustics, but for now, it'll do me just fine.


The b600 is absolutely RETARDED loud.  Kept up w/ two 100w(tube) full stacks no sweat at all.  And I barely cracked 25% on the master volume.  My guts are still quivering. 


ever see joe? or big lou?  I forgot his fucking sr com handle. you know, the horse killer. haha

edit: hey you could swing over and jam with don in y town..could be a very cosmic experience