Metal Distortion pedals & bedroom amps

Started by Baltar, November 11, 2011, 03:29:29 PM

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My roommate is looking into getting a small bedroom rig.  He's already sold on the Metal Muff 3-knobber.  He needs an amp and guitar too.  He's totally into the Screamo metal stuff.  I told him to look into Marshall and Peavey SS combos w/ at least one 12", if not 2x12's.  I had a Peavey Twin for my second amp and it was loud.  Corny and flat, but loud.  Any suggestions?  Keeley Metal Zone, MXR, and other pedals?
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


Keeley ds-1 for real...

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Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


I thought bedroom amps were in the under 5W range, for cranking without waking anyone through the walls? Either a little tube thing or something solid state with a little 6-8" speaker.

There's an easier DS-1 mod, 2 resistors, that has as big an improvement as the Keeley mods.

cat shepard

Metal zone and the cheapest single 8" combo amp. Just run it flat and eq with the metal zone. Worked for me for years. Gorilla amp or crate maybe so you got some dough left over for inspiration.


seriously, those baby dean markleys slay. way too loud for a bedroom, but it has a drive switch and pre/main gains so you can dial it in.


The trick is finding an amp that still sounds good at super low volumes. I have no recommendations. My Laney sounds shitty unless it's at least kind of loud, not that it's a bedroom amp.


For tube I'd say a Fender Champion 600 or an Epiphone Valve Jr combo. For solid state I'd say an Orange Crush or Fender Frontman. I guess if he's Metal, maybe one of those Marshall MG series amps.
Meh :/


I use a re badged (thomann/harley benton) Valve Jr but I've also been really impressed with these guys:


Put an OD, distortion, or fuzz pedal in front of this li'l baby into a 1x12 or 1x10 cab.
Livin' The Life.


Chovie D

you got that zvex Racer? how is it?

my bedroom amp is a 68 vibro champ, 5 watts, 8 inch speaker (i think?).
I found it on craigs list for $150. :D

for bedroom  metal starter rig maybe get one of those small SS amps with built in effects? Be nice to have delay or reverb at least.  I dont even know whats out there anymore thats new  fender g-dec or new champ? roland cube? that dean markley thing above? no experience with any of those.
How are those little orange amps?


The Valve Jr. is pretty damn loud. The Vox ac4 is pretty cool, not sure how good it is for metal, but I'm sure it could de done with the right pedal.


This kid is looking to compete with a drummer at some point.  I think he needs 2x12's.  I had the Valve Jr., it was fairly loud.  He doesn't care about tubes, most of his bands run Mesa Triple-Pukes.  Screamo bands with names like Ashes of the Yesterdays Tomorrow or some shit.  Wet cardboard tone.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


An apartment bedroom, or a house bedroom? If it's an apartment, an amp almost can't be quiet enough. 5 watts can be too loud in an apartment, if you're not careful. Especially with two 12 inch speakers. I don't know how realistic it is, to expect an amp to sound great loud (jam situation) but also be quiet enough for home use, unless you live in a detached house. A cheap small practice amp can be found for less than 100 bucks -- it may be better to make that a separate purchase. That home amp can always be useful in the future.

Vox DA5? Has some built in effects... in the 100 dollar range.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


We live in a house, but he's not even in a band yet.  I don't think he would know the difference between "good tone" and "bad tone".  He's a really dumb kid.  And I think I'm done giving a fuck actually.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


On a very similar note, I've been looking at something to replace my crappy solid state Yamaha practice combo which I just use for playing at home. I quite liked the look of the Laney Cub - although it's 15W, apparently it has a power attentuating feature that turns it down to 1W. Would that make it usable in an apartment without really annoying the neighbours? Has anyone ever used one?


can't comment on any other models in the series, but these ones sound good.


Just tell him to get one of the line 6 spider amps. He doesn't care about tone anyhow and they've got all the gain he's into. They all have headphone outs too so volume not too big of an issue.

FWIW, I had a 120 watt crate 2x12 in an apartment and could get it whisper quiet running a digitech metal master.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Is this thread still going? Go get a used JC-120 and a Heavy Metal pedal or Thrashmaster pedal.

That setup should sound the same at any volume pretty much.


if he's gettin all the dirt off the pedal, then just a cheap, lightweight SS combo with clean headroom would do.  get him to scope the pawn shops?

I dunno why people get fussy with bedroom rigs.  If it's not going on record and it's not going on stage then why worry?  I mostly don't even bother to plug my electric in when I'm home.  It's loud enough unplugged to practice on.


someone gave me a fender frontman....i think it sounds great. looks pretty cool too.