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iWant an iPad

Started by VOLVO))), October 28, 2011, 11:29:02 PM

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"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Jor el

It woulda been funnier if you had titled the thread, " iWant an iPad "
What Would Scooby Do ?


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I always wanted to convert an old TV into a scope :)


Quote from: SunnO))) on October 29, 2011, 12:53:43 AM
Noted and changed.

You really are the Jam Room Overlord.

I bow to thee.

clockwork green

I got an iPad2 as a present a few months back. You can plus a USB/midi keyboard and use it to power some of the synth apps like the awesome modular one by Korg. There are also some nice drum machines and recording apps. I have an SM57 hooked up to a USB preamp which I plug into the iPad for recording song ideas. I'm too lazy to attempt that on a PC.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Hemi, I smite thee for nickleback content. Even a warning would've been nice.


Sorry, didn't actually watch the clip :o I quit the last band that wanted to cover that shit.

I just read an article in PE years ago, that eas before I ended up with so many actual scopes. I traded one for a theremin and a cool tube filter, guess I should post it in trades, local pickup only ;D


Would that miniscope suit my needs, Herbit?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



The things you need are enough bandwidth for audio, which they both have one being 50MHz and the other being 200KHz, and enough voltage range to cope with a tube amp, which neither of them have out the box. Neither do most scopes though 400V on the input is fairly typical, one of those is 350V, the other i couldn't figure out.


These are great ideas.  I actually just won an ipad2 this past Friday at a continuing ed symposium for work.  I bought a MacBook pro this past spring, so I really dont have a valid use for the iPad.  But now you guys have given me some justifiable ideas to keep the iPad.


The only way anyone should have an iPad is if it was a gift. It's definitely not worth paying out for, if I thought I had pissed that much money away, I would be miserable. :'(

clockwork green

I thought it was useless too at first but I'm all into it now. It's also replaced my laptop at work since I've added a bluetooth keyboard. I can write word documents and power point presentations.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


I think the first thing that annoyed me about it was that you have to have it attached to another computer to turn it on. My phone, my blu-ray player, all these things are mini computers, but you can just turn them on and download shit, not so with the iPad, it needs to be hooked to another computer first.

Then you need to fill out all your personal details, and sign up for iTunes. There is a way to do all this without giving Apple your credit card info, but they make it bloody difficult.

They have no USB port, no SD card slot, so you can't get files onto them without hooking them back up to the computer and firing up iTunes. There are a couple of apps that allow you to download files direct to it, but then you have to access those files via that app, and then spawn whatever other app you need to view those files, I mean really WTF.

Apple's narrow minded world view has been enough, that I'm waiting for the Droid tablet market to stabilise a bit. Fuck them and their locked up, stripped down, copyrighted bullshit. Even they're fucking Bluetooth isn't real Bluetooth, you can't transport files over it, or use pair it to another machine.


Hey clockwork, could you list the items you use to do some recording on your iPad?  And possibly name a few other things to check out for this purpose?  Thank you