B-Movie Drive In

Started by peoplething, December 04, 2010, 08:55:08 PM

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The Shocker

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?

The Shocker


Savage Weekend is actually better than you might think.
The version I saw was on a 50 Drive In Movies collection I got from our library.  They're all public domain movies, and usually the print is shitty or the movies are censored, or suffer from poor quality all around, but the version I saw had plenty of nudity, picture wasn't bad, etc.  I usually avoid those collections like the plague, as I'd rather see the best print, uncensored and whatnot, but since it was a free rental from the library...

Jor-El is right on the mark though:  Daryl and Daryl, hatpin through the ear, woman on table saw.  A low-budget film in the spirit of Last House on the Left(original).

The Shocker

The movie I was thinking about was Long Weekend.


I've been taking an unwanted break in the B-Movie viewing lately. Work schedule coupled with the streaming channel platform I usually use was showing same 'ol same 'ol and then went bonkers

but now it's back!

just saw this one today


this movie is all sorts of bad, lousy, bizarre and hilarious. It stars Richard Moll with a lock of hair that would make the greatest evil genius vampire in the world give up sex/erotica/control and turn to old Mr. Hands vids for gratification.

70's disco, satanic claymation, absolution in science, hell pit crawling out of a closet, anti-christ, jesus, philosophical arguments between god and the devil about the human condition on a train that turns into a space ship and then into a miniature train that explodes.

and an 80's 'let's get physical' esque dance number at the end

truly fucking weird

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