Fear The Walking Dead

Started by CanookieWookie, July 13, 2015, 09:04:38 PM

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Jor el

I thought it was supposed to start this month.


What Would Scooby Do ?


Didn't they all ready do that cop in a hurry while your waiting in traffic door thing in the World War Z trailer.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?

The Shocker

So far I am liking this better than Walking Dead.  Mainly because some the characters are still likable.  The plot is definitely more interesting to me, but some of the characters are starting to do some super dumb things.  I'm still in on it though.


Agreed.  I'm enjoying it so far, although the Walking Dead is still better to me.

Jor el

The opening credits/music is much better.

What Would Scooby Do ?



Some days chickens, some days feathers

The Shocker


Ep4 boring - I'm extending it into 5
Some days chickens, some days feathers

Jor el

Are those two brother and sister, or are they finna get it on?

What Would Scooby Do ?


Step brother/sister.  I thought they were going to get it on.. but I doubt it.

Jor el

I was talking aboot the other dude.
Seems like she's finna get it on with whomever she is talking to.

Rubén Blades!

What Would Scooby Do ?


Oh, I have no idea about them two.

Jor el

I don't give a shit aboot the stupid family.

Rubén Blades and the Dude with the escape plan.

What Would Scooby Do ?


It was meh.....hate the gov't.

Ruben was the best part of that ep....and the ending was kind of  :o

Next ep is the finale, but has been signed up for another 15 eps next year
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


This season was just ok. The zombie action and shit happening in an urban setting kind of make up for the total idiocy of the script.

[spoiler]So Mr. Dad of the Year frees the tortured soldier, but has no problem unleashing a whole horde of the dead on a building full of other soldiers and innocent civilians? makes a lot of sense.

Though that scene where the Salvadorian guy walks up to the gates nonchalantly with the horde behind him was pretty bad ass.[/spoiler]
Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?


I enjoyed this new show, good acting, good story.....i like the different perspective.......I still want to know what has caused it though.

So.....is Mr. Stram sane or not? Hope they get to Abigail soon.....that will make some interesting and fine tv.
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget


You know, walking dead and spinoff, if you park a couple rows of the cars outside  the Fence Line,  zombies would have to push on the cars instead of knocking the fences over and coming in
Some days chickens, some days feathers

Jor el

   Although better than The Walking Dead, this show got shitty too.

   Is this the 4th Season?
   I'm not even sure I saw the ending episodes of last season.
   Did they just Etch-a-Sketch into a new scenario?

   Anyhow -
   The addition of the Cowboy (Garret Dillahunt) was a great idea.  He is easily the best character of either shows' existence.
   Tonight's episode was his character's backstory - and very good.  Jenna Elfman is swell too.
   Unfortunately, the show will go back to business as usual next week.

What Would Scooby Do ?


I think it's better this season too.  Not that I've thought it was terrible, but it seems a bit sharper so far.
They blew up the dam at the end of last season, and it showed them swimming to shore, I think.
So I'm guessing they are slowly putting the back story in to show how they got the baseball field, and there has to be a time jump in there, to accommodate Morgan.


I stopped watching this after they killed off Nick.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.



Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?