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More Love for Peavey!

Started by spookstrickland, June 01, 2014, 08:25:02 PM

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The TGI Friday's of amps.

But I will say that my first "real" bass amp was a Peavey Mark IV with a 2x15 and that thing was built like a brick shithouse riding a tank. The sound was reasonable, nothing special, nothing horrible, but for cranking up and playing some panty-moistening rock music in 1987 it was totes fucking legit. TOTES legit.


Shit! the speakers disintegrated in my Peavey!  I jammed with my buddy for a couple hours and they are shot.  must have had dry rot from sitting the surrounds are completely gone. 
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: spookstrickland on June 16, 2014, 05:57:42 PM
Shit! the speakers disintegrated in my Peavey!  I jammed with my buddy for a couple hours and they are shot.  must have had dry rot from sitting the surrounds are completely gone. 
so are you really peaved?


What is this 'totes' thing? I've seen it a few times now. I'm not Googling it.

My roommate wants a XXX. I'm eager to play one.


hey liquid, as long as you are here, my son is 25 and he has a good friend who has been in seattle for a couple years now. he is a well seasoned traveler thanks to his mother who is quite the jet setter so definitely no "first time away from home" freakouts on anyone's part.  just going to be weird not being able to randomly hang out or the stop by and say hi stuff.  the up side is that once I get my shit out of the ex's house(my son was hanging while piling cash, good man) I don't really have to cross tracks with her for any reason and that is a very good thing.

funny, the xxx is the only 100w amp I actually have spent time horsing around with.  it has a lot of sound options on it and several channels and it is really loud. unfortunately, when I played with it, I had no point of reference whether it sounds great or meh. it was loud and rocked the speakers nice even with no pedals.
not much help heh

are peavey bass guitars good? there are 2 of them on cl, one 5 string, one active 4 string, awesome quilt tops. I am so fucking tempted to get both. one is $200 and the other is $250(active) they are gorgeous.  I like the feel of those sleek Ibanez bass guitars. is the peavey anything like those?

and the passive


Quote from: jibberish on June 16, 2014, 06:00:47 PM
Quote from: spookstrickland on June 16, 2014, 05:57:42 PM
Shit! the speakers disintegrated in my Peavey!  I jammed with my buddy for a couple hours and they are shot.  must have had dry rot from sitting the surrounds are completely gone. 
so are you really peaved?

No but I'm a little sad, that amp was sounding so good, now I need to find some new speakers for it.  But it may sound even better with new speakers so that is something to look forward to.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: sludgelord3000 on June 16, 2014, 02:24:40 PM
The TGI Friday's of amps.

But I will say that my first "real" bass amp was a Peavey Mark IV with a 2x15 and that thing was built like a brick shithouse riding a tank. The sound was reasonable, nothing special, nothing horrible, but for cranking up and playing some panty-moistening rock music in 1987 it was totes fucking legit. TOTES legit.

I would d said 'totes 'git'.

Jib that bass is horrendous.
No Focus Pocus


totes or TOTEZ???

What is TOTES?   
TOTES is "Totally"
TOTES Definition / TOTES Means
The definition of TOTES is "Totally"
The Meaning of TOTES
TOTES means "Totally"

(public service lolerz)


^I suppose that would be my first guess. Not as bad as 'chillax' I guess but...

Quote from: jibberish on June 16, 2014, 06:28:20 PM
hey liquid, as long as you are here, my son is 25 and he has a good friend who has been in seattle for a couple years now. he is a well seasoned traveler thanks to his mother who is quite the jet setter so definitely no "first time away from home" freakouts on anyone's part.  just going to be weird not being able to randomly hang out or the stop by and say hi stuff.

That's cool. I've never lived there.

Definitely eager to play a XXX sometime even though I doubt I'd like it more than my dirt pedal.


thx rager.  yeah, I had to ask. looks too good for those prices. they are pretty but I have picked up so many basses that are big crude feeling instruments. I don't have rick Capeman palm a medicine ball hands and those ibanezes, next to short scales are what I can play pretty naturally. musicmans are easy to play..BUT heh expensive. i'll stick with plan A: snag nice used Ibanez 5 string when it comes along. i'm having trouble getting fancy with this agile fender style bass. just too big and clunky.  and it has very acceptable action, just too big and clunky, even a genuine fender bass is just too clunky. and then see tal wilkenfeld just tear it up on a fender and I feel sad I got whooped by a girl....again..haha

heh, spook. that wasn't a serious question. I even italicized the intentional mis-spell.  instead of being "peeved", in this thread, were you peaved.  ok, lame, but I have to keep trying, and no I wont quit my day job. I've been hanging around those tricky guys like l ron and priest too much evidently. but I like the game.
those word games that start up in threads are maybe the most fun funniest stuff ever in this place for me. also, I will not lie. thinking like a thesaurus/clownshoe a lot of the time has made lyric writing easier and easier with the mindset and practice that follows. so I guess sometimes, fucking off has real benefits haha

I can't borrow the xxx either because it turns out , it belongs to a friend of his. I guess the mutual nowhere to keep it/can I use it if I store it scenario was in effect.   I have to admit, if you want to match drums effortlessly with power and volume, a 100w halfstack does the trick. 2 years ago right around now we jammed in his old practice space on that xxx.     simple joy for sure is dime the input gain and then turn it up and play black Sabbath shit and go off of that just wailing power chords because you feel like a cop with a new 357magnum LONG barrel to compensate for lack of junk skill. this now also makes sense why that thing went home with him when they bailed on that space. I thought it was his. oops

also, I never even thought to see what that hartke 4x12 cab was loaded with...


Peavey basses are well built and really good value if you avoid the cheapest ones and tolerate the quilt tops. On par with Ibanez I'd say.


Danny G

Supreme 160.

That's the amp I had.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


well I dig my peavey tour 450 bass head that I currently own

has an ok tone, more of a modern tone; but the coolest thing was that I got it for $200 (used from ebay) and used it a lot for shows and practices and it never had any issues


Quote from: jibberish on June 17, 2014, 01:55:02 AM

heh, spook. that wasn't a serious question. I even italicized the intentional mis-spell.  instead of being "peeved", in this thread, were you peaved.  ok, lame, but I have to keep trying, and no I wont quit my day job. I've been hanging around those tricky guys like l ron and priest too much evidently. but I like the game.

No worries, I figured as much but thought I should reply anyway.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: spookstrickland on June 16, 2014, 05:57:42 PM
must have had dry rot

Rot is the end product of fungal infestation, which requires moisture to occur. There is no such thing as dry rot.




like jumbo shrimp. wtf is that shit?

could we say "environmentally de-vulcanized"?


Aren't those flame tops just a picture under the finish? I guess I don't get it. Looks cheap to me. I always go for a solid color on that stuff.


Quote from: kirky on June 22, 2014, 02:32:52 PM
Aren't those flame tops just a picture under the finish? I guess I don't get it. Looks cheap to me. I always go for a solid color on that stuff.
wow. that would suck to have a guitar like that

the fact that those pics are both still up shows what clevo thinks of those 2 peavey basses too haha


Quote from: kirky on June 22, 2014, 02:32:52 PM
Aren't those flame tops just a picture under the finish? I guess I don't get it. Looks cheap to me. I always go for a solid color on that stuff.

It's a thin maple veneer, 1/16" or thereabouts.


My old hardcore band is starting back up for some higher-profile shows this summer and I'm finding myself really unhappy with my tone as I go back and try to write songs that suit the band. Since we drifted apart, I sold off my Laney (which wasn't exactly doing it for me then) and picked up my V4 and a slew of pedals, but what I'm realizing is that the whole "Guitar > HM2 > HM2 > V4 > Marshall Cab" tone trend in hardcore right now doesn't fit my band's vibe whatsoever. We're much thrashier and less crusty than a lot of the bands we're lumped in with, and that wild, Entombed-style chainsaw tone isn't jiving at all. My options are to either buy an amp that suits the tone and style of the band more appropriately or write material that suits my rig more appropriately, and I would find it disingenuous to change the band's overall sound and approach for the sake of not having to spend money. People want to see us play an want to see continuation on a theme, not an altogether new thing - if that was the plan, we'd just start a new band. They want old material and updated material in the same vein, and that's what my bandmates are set out to do.

I've been kicking around the idea of either an XXX or a JSX because they're both in my price range and have the modern feel I really think I need for this project. I like the sound of the XXX more (and it's cheaper by about $50 on average) but everyone I've ever known has had reliability issues with those. I like modern Peavey tone, it has its uses and this is one of them. Anyone care to chime in on some suggestions or thoughts on these amps?


My friend has had a JSX for nearly a decade with zero issues. I think it sounds great.


At last night's gig I left my fancy, schmansy custom built, hand-wired tube amp at home and used an AMT pre-amp pedal into a peavey poweramp.  Got multiple compliments.


Somebody at DOTD had some pedals into a JSX and it sounded completely amazing. I want to say it may have been Egypt(who sounded like Nebula meets Sleep but twice as heavy) but I was pretty drunk for awhile there and am not sure.


Thanks for the input, dudes. After some digging around I also see that Unearthly Trance used a JSX on Electrocution as well as a number of other bands with (what I consider to be) great tone in recording, I've just never seen someone whose band I was really into play one live. I like the way they sound when I'm jamming on them, but I've never heard one in front of a band and wondered how they cut through and meshed with full-band live sound. I think I've made up my mind on the JSX.


Part of Peavey's problem is that they make a wide variety of equipment. People have bought medium quality Peavey shit and expected pro gear, and then they get pissed, and Peavey gets a bad reputation. I think all equipment companies have this problem to some degree, but Peavey might have it especially bad because of the amount of equipment they have made over the past 35 years.

Also, the logo is fugly but maybe it's growing on me a little, because it's so bad? Maybe it's the full moon.

This seems like the right time to diss (again) the horrible Peavey 1820 bass cab (1x18 and 2x10) which is huge, heavy and is only rated for 200 watts. I bought one in like-new condition in the '80s from a store for $220 (and that's still the going rate). Peaveys last forever, but you virtually never see anybody playing the 1820 at shows... what does that tell you?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.