
Started by renfield, March 19, 2019, 01:30:58 AM

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The Souls series is the best modern video game series. God damn I am excited for this game


Time needs to hurry the fuck up so I can go home and disappear into this

Bro. Righteous

Been watching Youboobs Fighting Cowboy (great gamer) a let's play on this.
Fucking looks hard as fuck, apparently he's already giving this a 10/10 GOTY represent.

For me however, not a fan of multi-Souls/Bourne esque complicated gaming...can't dig
the boss ever-fighting shit - more an explorer or simple time-lines/heavy graphic kinda gamer.
Still, love watching his fucking playthru's...commentary is hysterical, esp, when Cowboy
gets all salty and the like. Game look good however, but y'need to Get Gud!

I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


It's less complicated than the other Souls in the sense that 99% of the looting and leveling has been removed, so you're not constantly tinkering with your armor and weapon loadout and planning upgrade paths.

But nonetheless this game is hard as fucking nails. I think it's hilarious that it's being marketed as a more inviting, friendly entry ...fuuuuuuuck no, this might be the most difficult game yet in the series!


Sekiro is the greatest video game ever made