My problem with songwriting

Started by Instant Dan, February 16, 2011, 12:54:19 AM

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Instant Dan

I can be too hard on myself to write something original. I'll come up with something and then i'll think 'That sounds like Church of Misery's El Padrino' or 'That sounds like something off a Spirit Caravan or Hidden Hand record'. It can just be very frustrating at times. I wish I could just let go and if it sounds good, it sounds good regardless if it sounds regurgitated.


It's gonna happen man. I'm sure this has happened to EVERYONE, and I believe Tony Iommi said it's that exact reason that he doesn't listen to Metal very often (he's afraid he's gonna write a song then hear it the next day or something by someone else). Happens to me all the time. But you kinda are what you eat, ya know? It's just influence and subconscious at work. The trick is to be able to tell the two apart without dissecting it too much.


black sabbath took all the good riffs and if there was anything left slayer scarfed it is what it the best you can..


Don't think on it too much.
Get out of your own way.
Turn off your inner censor.
Your first instinct is usually the right one. Even if it's not the "right" one, it IS the "RIGHT NOW" one.

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."

edit..oops... not a Mingus quote.

clockwork green

Picasso said something to the effect of "Good artists copy, great artists steal."  I take that to mean, take from your influences but make it your own.  Take a galloping riff around the 12th fret like something Matt Pike might play and then figure out how it might work in your song or with your style and it will become it's own unique thing.  Even avant garde musicians are "stealing" ideas they're just taking them from unusual places like making a guitar sound like a speak n spell.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


motorcycles, rock n roll, and beer, not necessarily in that order.


its all been done has been around for too long..the trick is to find your niche and make it your own..the chemistry of your band is extremely important in making something unique and interesting. you dont have to be overly original to be good, you just have to be good at what you do..


I can really relate to the original poster of this thread. I often use to think "No, that sounds to YOB:ish" or "That sounds too Sleep:ish" or whatever. You just have to drop those thoughts. It's impossible to make music without being inspired by something. And eventually you'll notice that eventhough stuff you write my remind YOU of someone else's song, it still has your own mark to it.


Life's a bitch, so keep on trucking.

Instant Dan

Thanks guys, it's nice to know I am not the only one who has this problem. One of my biggest problems that I wasn't able to solve in till recently is that I would come up with a good riff but then have to ruin it by trying to add fills. I realized to first just come up with the melody first and then once I have that down, then think about adding in the fills.

tl;dr version: Stopped making it complicated than it had to be, been trying to follow the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid).