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Mad Men

Started by Jor el, April 02, 2011, 12:05:49 PM

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Glenn is still creepy, and should be killed for wearing those pants.

Sally said fuck!!!!!
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget

Bro. Righteous

Just binged-watched this show over the past few weeks, fucking what I would do to have an old-school
liquored-up office like that - well done, I must say, ain't no Bourdain intellectualism (digging' his latest CNN
No Borders tribe) but I'll take it, besides, Christina Hendricks is abooooot as good as it gets.

Mustacheo's and Gins for everyone!
I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


Quote from: Bro. Righteous on April 26, 2015, 11:39:29 PM
Christina Hendricks is abooooot as good as it gets.

Mustacheo's and Gins for everyone!

"You're a piece of work" Amen
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget


Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget


And the way she went out, a boss.

Don just getting up and walking out of the meeting, Ken's face...he knew too...

Peggy and Roger, last office huruah.......

Betts and Don? I liked it, but was sad...

"You always like to play the stranger, don't you?"......Ghost of Burt Copper, bliss...


Irbass, what did you think of the finale?


Quote from: Token on May 19, 2015, 09:40:17 PM
Irbass, what did you think of the finale?

I liked it, I was surprised it went out on a such a happy/positive note.

Sad about Joan & Richard, but I guess it was for the best. Shocked Peggy didn't go with Joan, but taking Stan's advice she will do just fine.

Peggy + Stan - Mind blown, but I guess I should have seen it coming.

I could'a swore Don was going to off himself.....instead he goes BACK to the commune to film a Coke commercial......BRILLIANT.

It ended nicely.
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget



With the exception of Betty, didn't like how they JUST inserted cancer and then BOOM you're gonna die in 6 months. Feel it just doesn't hold a story, sort of a cop out? Dunno.


Yeah, I agree with was fucked up how the last image of of her sitting at the table smoking, but I guess she knows she's dying, so why not go enjoying life as much as you can.

Her and Don's phone was really good/touching.
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget


Don's search for the waitress was a little hokey but I guess they needed to get him to the commune so he could do the Coke ad.

Nice ending - most of these shows have been so brutal when ending, this was very positive.

Some days chickens, some days feathers


I was a little let down for some reason. Good show overall and this season finally returned it to form.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Like Breaking Bad - splitting up the last season in two parts is a shit idea. You have two shorter story arcs and the second one simply lacks the time to wrap up a storyline that was developed over seven seasons. And no, adding 10 minutes to the last episode does not solve that problem. The scene with Roger playing organ and Peggy rollerskating was awesome though and the ending with the coca cola ad could have been great if it hadn't been so rushed.


Yeah good comparison to Breaking Bad. I felt both suffered from the first half of the last season being meh with a rushed series wrap up.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


I liked the positive ending for most characters.

This will always be the Betty I love

"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



I agree splitting up seasons has started to become the norm now & it's stupid....hell this last season of Mad Men seemed to take 2 years (probably not, but it seemed like it) and like suckers we will wait.

I honestly don't remember the 1st half of BB being lackluster, hell no seasons of that show seemed lackluster imo.
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget


Yeah I don't think any of BB was "bad" as it is the best show ever, but I really felt it peaked with the Gus timeline and the rest was kind of a slide back.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.

Jor el

Does anyone besides AMC split seasons ?

What Would Scooby Do ?


Quote from: Jor el on May 21, 2015, 04:41:52 PM

Does anyone besides AMC split seasons ?

Sorpanos split up their last season if I recall
Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?