Down IV, PT 1 The Purple EP

Started by Mr. Blue, November 10, 2012, 12:59:45 AM

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Mr. Blue

I cant believe I haven't read anything on here about this yet.  This is one solid record.  It is short and heavy as fuck!  I don't think there is one bit of filler on here period.  And, Witchtripper is fucking awesome!
3 reasons why James said that his Black Sabbath record was important:
"First it scared the shit out of me. Second, it crushed the fuck out of all the peace'n'love'n everything's groovy bullshit that was still hanging around in the early seventies. And third, my friends moms wouldn't let them own it


I fuckin' LOVE IT!!!!! I had commented on an adjacent post previously.  Def a return to great Down tunage.

Mr. Blue

Really, I just got into Down when Over The Under came out.  I just never paid any attention to them.  I'm totally digging their albums though.  I have always been a big C.O.C. fan, so really i guess that's why I gave these guys a listen.
3 reasons why James said that his Black Sabbath record was important:
"First it scared the shit out of me. Second, it crushed the fuck out of all the peace'n'love'n everything's groovy bullshit that was still hanging around in the early seventies. And third, my friends moms wouldn't let them own it

The Bandit

The Bandit has the CD.  After a couple of listens the verdict is: Meh -.  Nothing stood out, nothing new.  Songs could have been outtakes from the 3rd album.

Instant Dan

I checked it out, it was ok. Honestly, they'd be better off going back to the main bands full time but I guess it's just a cash cow.


For me it sounds a bit pedestrian at points and has too much of the Roadrunner 'shine' on the production. Its pretty good, but just not an EP that really grabbed me.