
Started by black, September 09, 2011, 06:20:05 PM

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At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

The Shocker

On that list my top 3 would be:
1. Crumb
2. Capturing the Friedmans
3. Touching The Void

Not on that list:
1. American Holler
2. American Movie
3. Just Melvin, Just Evil
Honorable mention: Stevie


Could be on the list:

Triumph of the Will
Night and Fog (double feature w/Triumph of the Will?)
Sherman's March
Harlan County USA
Pumping Iron
Bigger Stronger Faster
The Decline of Western Civilization 1 (maybe?)

Shouldn't be on the list:

The Kid Stays in the Picture (huge, huge meh)
Murderball (decent enough, but not a Top anything IMO)
Dark Days (great topic, but goes nowhere)

An Inconvenient Truth literally put me to sleep after 30 minutes (I tried twice) and seems unwatchable, but I could be wrong. And Madonna's Truth or Dare is on there??

There's a lot on the list I didn't see... about half.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

The Shocker

And multiple Michael More movies?  I guess if you are going by influence and earnings, but his movies kind of suck.


Meh list. Null and void to me because it doesn't include Tom Dowd the language of music or You're Gonna miss me when I'm gone.

Danny G

Good call on Man On Wire. Part inspiring art flick, part bank heist movie. Awesome

Just saw Dark Days today. It was OK.

I was much more into "Cave Of Forgotten Dreams", surprised it didn't make the list. About a cave sealed by a landslide for 30k years containing the oldest intact cave paintings ever found. Just totally fucking mindblowing, in subject matter at least.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Loved "Touching The Void".


Quote from: Danny G on January 02, 2012, 10:53:45 PM
Good call on Man On Wire. Part inspiring art flick, part bank heist movie. Awesome

Just saw Dark Days today. It was OK.

I was much more into "Cave Of Forgotten Dreams", surprised it didn't make the list. About a cave sealed by a landslide for 30k years containing the oldest intact cave paintings ever found. Just totally fucking mindblowing, in subject matter at least.

"Cave of Forgotten Dreams" might be too recent for that list (?)

BTW, I thought "Dark Days" could have been something great (amazing first-hand footage and interesting subject) but just never went anywhere IMO.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Here's a few of my favorite documentaries:

Pumping Iron
God Grew Tired of Us
You See Me Laughin': The Last of the Hills Country Bluesman
Heartworn Highways
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
Grizzly Man
Encounters at the End of the World
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart: A Film About Wilco
LOUDquietLOUD: A Film About the Pixies
Beyond the Mat
The Decline of Western Civilization (Parts 1 and 2)
American: The Bill Hicks Story
Paradise Lost: Child Murders at Robin Hood
Supersize Me
American Movie


You guys should check out "Harlan County USA" -- classic documentary about coal miners.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

cat shepard


Just saw Good Hair.  Doc. with Chris Rock about Black folks' hair.  pretty funny.
No Focus Pocus


loose change
the legend of boggie creek
man on a wire


The Legend of Boggy Creek isn't really a documentary. It's more of a "docudrama" actually.

That movie scared the living shit of me when I was kid. I had nightmares from it for years afterward. I watched it fairly recently (within the last ten years or so) and it was ridiculous. Young minds and all that  :D

The Shocker

Quote from: GodShifter on January 11, 2012, 11:44:31 AM
The Legend of Boggy Creek isn't really a documentary. It's more of a "docudrama" actually.

That movie scared the living shit of me when I was kid. I had nightmares from it for years afterward. I watched it fairly recently (within the last ten years or so) and it was ridiculous. Young minds and all that  :D

Town That Dreaded Sundown was the same way.


I just looked up on wikipedia The Town That Dreaded Sundown, because I had never heard of it, but it sounded vaguely familiar.

It seems like as a young kid, I saw the promo for that movie, and, it too, scared the shit out of me. But, for some reason after all these years, I confused that promo with the The Legend of Boggy Creek, because that's what I always thought the tag line of Boggy Creek was ... "The Town That Dreaded Sundown". But, nope, it's a different movie entirely (and one that I've not seen).

Deaner, do you remember the promos for TTTDS? Did it have a wicked scream at the end? Damn, I'm old and can't remember stuff very well anymore  >:(.

(Not so) interesting side bar: Dawn Wells (Mary Anne from "Gilligan's Island") was in The Town That Dread Sundown as well as the stinker Return To Boggy Creek, which was the sequel to the original The Legend of Boggy Creek. She was in some ace movies in the 70's!  :D

The Shocker

I don't remember the trailers for either of those (or much of the movies either).  I think both are on my Netflix queue, I may need to bump them up.

Sam Hain

Some of my favorites...

Dogtown & Z-Boys
Riding Giants
Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution'

The Wild & Wonderful Whites of WV is pretty good too.

The Shocker


One I forgot: You're Gonna Miss Me: A Film About Roky Erikson

Made me have even more respect for the genius and insanity of Roky Erikson. Heartbreaking story as well. When he started playing "Goodybye Sweet Dreams" for his therapist towards the end of the movie, it was one of the most powerful things I'd seen in a long time.