Anybody tried those cheap Biyang pedals?

Started by The Shocker, October 25, 2011, 11:25:54 AM

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The Shocker

I'm wanting a cheap reverb and there have been some good reviews on the Biyang RV-10.  Supposedly a clone of some other pedal, but not sure which.  Seem to be better constructed than the other cheapies and supposedly Biyang makes the GFS pedals.  Anyone fooled with them?

Here's a link to the reverb:

Chovie D

73$ plus shipping/tax doesnt seem that cheap to me. i have no experience with that pedal tho, never heard of it. Not trying to discourage you on a pedal ive never heard and know nothing aboot...sorry.

In general, Id rather spend an extra $20-40 on a good sounding pedal than save that on a cheap pedal. I think of pedals as tool s I will use for a long time and that someone after me  even may be overjoyed to be playing one day as I so love playing my vintage effects that came from older dudes stashes.

Could you maybe find a cheap used Boss RV2 or RV3 or perhaps a holy grail? like for $40 or 50$
Those are decent reverb pedals. i dont think you can go wrong buying classic pedals from well known makers whove been making pedals for decades.

I use a digitech hardwire and love it. think its around $110? new... I also have the fender tube stand alone reverb unit(resissue).
Heres one I was interested in, its nice and small and seems idea whwt they cost...think they make a more compllex model called the spring chicken?

The Shocker

You can find them somewhat cheaper than that, but yeah I'm looking for something cheap & used would be fine.

Chovie D

the videos on that biyang pedal are all really bad...the best one i found no speak engrish. here ya go..comments are very positive on it.


Haven't heard any Biyang pedals, but the Chicklet is a great affordable spring reverb. I couldn't be happier with mine, you need an adapter though, it's so small a battery wont fit inside.