Reasonable expectaitions for bandmates

Started by bbottom, August 15, 2012, 02:58:53 PM

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was thinking about real time jamming - I have not tried it yet but maybe I still might try it soon;

Not practical at all??? It is impossible to reduce latency, it is what it is. Light can only travel so fast, regardless of bandwidth. In a 2 participant scenario with a drummer setting the beat, the guitarist could play along in time with the transcoded signal, but to have it "sound" in time at all locations is just not possible and no technology can change that. So, it will never be true real time. You may be able to do it locally where latency is ~50ms, but overseas is going to bu upwards of 110-300ms latency which is going to be pretty hard to keep in time.


I think it depends on the band, and the members.
If everyone in the band knows their instrument well, and remembers the parts they work on at practice then once a week,if that is fine.
If you suck, then practice more. It makes perfect.
Im in two bands and both practice once a week. TDC that Ive been doing for a few years can skip practices quite a bit, because we have 2 completed albums and a third near done. We either get together to work on new shit, or do a quick practice for shows.
My other project is a little more rigorous, but thats because we are still writing songs and getting everything nailed down.


We try to do twice a month, but we record practices email them to each other, add parts and give each other feedback on the tunes via email.

3 out of 4 us work at the same place so when we're on overtime the practice schedule gets shot to hell, but we can still discuss the recordings and ideas with each other.



I'd agree to two day a week practices given a few factors:

1. Practice space isn't far away. Gas is $$.
2. I don't have to haul a lot of equipment every practice.
3. Practice is productive.

Group practice isn't a substitute for home practice. Making the same mistakes week after week is really fucking annoying for your band mates, especially if you are the guy insisting on biweekly practices.


Figured I'd share this one here, my other band has cancelled practice yet again, this time the singer had to pick his kids up from school as they were sick, and the drummer had to take his daughter to the hospital to get her baby induced.

That's what happens in a band of married old farts. ;D


back when I was single, I could play music all the fucking time. and anyone who is, should.
dave that plays bass in one of the bands I am in also plays in Dwellers and two other projects. Im jealous of him sometimes, but he has the time that I dont have anymore.


I'm managing two projects right now, with a third to get started, but it probably seems easier as everyone keeps cancelling ;D


twice a week is probably massively overdoing it.. unless you're all really really new to the band thing i think people should be relied on to learn the material at home and then practices are really just for making sure that it's working, and ironing out any kinks.