Stonerrock - British Chapter

Started by Chest Rockwell, November 25, 2014, 03:19:11 AM

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Chest Rockwell

Yo, wazzaaap?

so how many UK'ers are in active bands on here? and how about we start getting eachother n shizz and, well, letting me sleep on your couch, drink your beer and get off with your girlfriends girlfriend while paying our band a nice wedge for gas and sandwiches? Excellent!  ;D

of course when you play my town I'll be busy and wont have any room, money or women.  >:(

but still, shitty introductions aside, let's network yo!!!

\m/ \m/

(I'm in Cardiff btw, we have a coupla handy venues here and lots going of bands swing by :) )
I play bass in THORUN


Mr. Foxen

Well, I already played a gig with you.


Town: Bristol

Uncomfortable couch.

Fine selection of real ales and cheap lager.

No girlfriend by my housemates are busty and fair game.

Grilling stuff on charcoal in the summer.

No money, leave that to the promoter, got a good one though.

Gigs I'm playing will have awesome backline, except drums, I don't give a shit about drums and fuck moving them.

Chest Rockwell

well, rep yer band and your town innit!!  ;)
I play bass in THORUN


Mr. Foxen

Oh yeah, not actually put where I am. Keep assuming I filled out the profile bit when I haven't. And still won't.


Not British but not far from you either. Not stoner rock but not far from that either.



Hi man,

I am from Orkney and based just north of Inverness for work for the next 8 months. Essentially I'm based in Glasgow though since all ofmy bands operate from there.

My stoner/psychedelic band just released a new ep/demo for free download:

I also have other bands of a non-stoner/doom that folk on here will probably hate but fuck it, feel free to ignore:

indie jazz wankery:

alt-rock/power pop:


Hi there all,

I play Bass and sing a band called Stone Dragon.

Location: South London.

Our Drummer is some were in Asia?

But we have a set and a sound so when we have gigs we'll let you know.


Good thread Chesty....

Eoin you're all over Scotland aren't you ;) your demo sounds awesome just blasting it now, what's the scene like in Inverness? I'd love to play a gig up there sometime :) gutted to be missing Sonic Mass in Edinburgh tonight, I'm originally from around Loch Lomond, love Scotland.... (Ps, you guys should play with Dead Otter and Skeleton Gong sometime that'd be a cool bill)

Look forward to hearing Stone Dragon!


Foxen I wasn't expecting those black metal blasts in there heh, I like the combination with the sabbathy bits, I'd love to play the Gryphon again it's my favourite type of venue hehe...


Wish I was getting to see Wild Rocket in Dublin next month when we come over moose! What's the Gypsy Rose like?


Quote from: JemDooM on February 21, 2015, 04:53:58 PM
Wish I was getting to see Wild Rocket in Dublin next month when we come over moose! What's the Gypsy Rose like?

Gypsy Rose is a biker bar that does regular/irregular gigs. Haven't been since they started getting more regular but had good times over the years. Portrait played recently and I'm told it was great. Will defo be along for your gig.

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: JemDooM on February 21, 2015, 04:47:54 PM
Foxen I wasn't expecting those black metal blasts in there heh, I like the combination with the sabbathy bits, I'd love to play the Gryphon again it's my favourite type of venue hehe...


Looking for gigs outside of Bristol, now we have transport. Money for the transport would be good, but some amp trades in the area can cover that.


any of you Scotland people know of deathwank.. one of scotlands finest bands. my band is doing a split with them..cumming soon..


Some of yer bands in ol' blightey are right cracking. Did I say it right?
No Focus Pocus

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: mortlock on February 23, 2015, 08:02:36 PM
any of you Scotland people know of deathwank.. one of scotlands finest bands. my band is doing a split with them..cumming soon..

Sig recording is from when we supported Strangle Wank.




Quote from: JemDooM on February 21, 2015, 04:35:13 PM
Good thread Chesty....

Eoin you're all over Scotland aren't you ;) your demo sounds awesome just blasting it now, what's the scene like in Inverness? I'd love to play a gig up there sometime :) gutted to be missing Sonic Mass in Edinburgh tonight, I'm originally from around Loch Lomond, love Scotland.... (Ps, you guys should play with Dead Otter and Skeleton Gong sometime that'd be a cool bill)

Look forward to hearing Stone Dragon!

Cheers Jem,

Yeah, I get all over the place! I don't really know of much a scene in Inverness. There is a couple of venues (Madhatters, Market Bar) but not really much in terms of local gigs, especially anything on the heavier end of the spectrum. Most of the main gigs happen at the weekend though, by which time I am usually in Glasgow rehearsing. There is a venue for 'bigger' gigs put it seems to be tricky getting many bigger rock bands up north of Glasgow. Since being up here since September 2013 I have only seen Black Star Riders (just to see Scott Gorham) and this past week there was an AC/DC tribute band!

If any Glasgow based folk are about, my band are playing the 13th Note on March 6th. We will be loud and unprepared, as is our speciality.


That would have been really cool! I'm up in Glasgow just the weekend after, the 13th Note is one of my favourite places in the world, could sit drinking in there all day and night heh, have you got a poster or events page I can share around? We're playing there on Monday 23rd March, really looking forward to it its a nice venue to play...



Yeah, I do like the Note as well. Really good for just turning up with your gear and just being loud. I think that the venue has a few issues lately due to a dishwasher pipe bursting a few weeks ago that caused a few gigs to be cancelled. I think that is all fixed now though, or at least I hope!

Events page is here. We are just making up the numbers at the last minute so we haven't really promoted it much. That and the fact that we haven't really started gigging properly yet anyway!


Working on the bands web page and hoping that we can finally record something.