Next show turned into us opening for an 80s rock cover band.

Started by zachoff, February 17, 2011, 12:46:57 PM

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Awesome, huh?  :-\  Play normal set?  Become an 80s cover band for a night?  Cover good, old metal for a night?  Don't do the gig?  What would you do?


learn slayer's reign in blood and play it all the way through.

not really. Monster Honkey, the last band i was in had to open up for a kiss tribute band once. we actually did pretty well. the crowd liked us and afterwards the president of a biker gang came up and told us they would work "security" at our shows if we ever needed it.


do what you do..never conform to the crowd..that would be selling out. if they dont like you..fuck em..
remember theres always some drunk fuck in the audience that will think you were awesome..

bass sic

I dunno, I say conform to the crowd. As in play some 80's fav's that maybe you dont like but the crowd will. Like Twisted Sister shit like that.


Quote from: mortlock on February 17, 2011, 11:40:24 PM
do what you do..never conform to the crowd..that would be selling out. if they dont like you..fuck em..
remember theres always some drunk fuck in the audience that will think you were awesome..

Nah, we wouldn't do that.  If we played covers it'd be more of a tongue in cheek fuck you to the place that set up the show.  Live & learn... Don't leave it up to the promoter to set up shows!  Get a couple bands together beforehand so this sort of crap doesn't happen.  It's only three weeks away so I guess learning a bunch of songs in that amount of time would be tough, anyway... Unless they're Misfits songs or something.


this is what you do:  Dress up like total 80's hair metal weirdos spandex, Pointy guitars the whole 9 yards then play Dopesmoker all the way through. ;D

I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.

clockwork green

This is the closest I've ever come to agreeing with Spook. Just have fun with the show. Play the songs you think they'll do before their set so that by the time they go on people are tired of hearing Every Rose.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Honestly, this could be a good gig. You say they're an 80s cover band, well it's not the 80s anymore so anybody at the show most likely listens to other stuff as well. Those bands are a nostalgia trip or celebration of days gone by. They can be fun to see if the band does them right. Do your normal thing and play the best show you can. You may just gain some new fans of your band.
Meh :/


I'd cancel. I would struggle with the decision, I would kinda feel like a dick, but ultimately, I would definitely back out on the show.
By my side I keep my things that I ne-uh-ed! Rest in peace is gonna set me free!


I don't see the issue here. If it were me i would play MY music and make sure that it is executed perfectly. This is a whole new audience that you could potentially turn on to your music. I always felt that looking outside the target audience and drawing in people that normally would not be into my particular style of music was usually more rewarding than playing to the same folks every time you are out. We had the same experience in my last band where we played with about 5 or 6 bands that were either hard rock cover bands or hippy jam bands. We did not alter our set and it worked out fine. Not everybody was into it but we acquired a few new listeners and that is what matters.

However any chance to play Twisted Sister covers should be exploited to the fullest extent!
"We just want to make the walls cave in and the ceiling collapse. Music is meant to be played as loudly as possible, really raw and punchy, and I'll punch out anyone who doesn't like it the way I do." - BON SCOTT, AC/DC


I'm with the "play it, it'll be a great experience" crowd.

The only thing I have to add is word gets out when you back out on shows.
No good deed goes unpunished.


Quote from: hayseed on February 19, 2011, 12:34:50 PM
I don't see the issue here. If it were me i would play MY music and make sure that it is executed perfectly. This is a whole new audience that you could potentially turn on to your music. I always felt that looking outside the target audience and drawing in people that normally would not be into my particular style of music was usually more rewarding than playing to the same folks every time you are out. We had the same experience in my last band where we played with about 5 or 6 bands that were either hard rock cover bands or hippy jam bands. We did not alter our set and it worked out fine. Not everybody was into it but we acquired a few new listeners and that is what matters.

However any chance to play Twisted Sister covers should be exploited to the fullest extent!



Well, we backed out.  Got bumped to the midnight slot after the new headliner wanted their friends to open.  First time for everything!


Fuck the midnight slot!!! how many fucking bands on this bill?  I'm sick of these huge bills and either you are forced to go on early or way late and you get screwed. 

I would have backed out to after being given the dick treatment like that. 

If I'm not playing between the hours of 9 and Midnight, fuck it, it's just worth it.

Quote from: zachoff on February 22, 2011, 09:24:56 AM
Well, we backed out.  Got bumped to the midnight slot after the new headliner wanted their friends to open.  First time for everything!
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: spookstrickland on February 22, 2011, 03:02:06 PM
Fuck the midnight slot!!! how many fucking bands on this bill?  I'm sick of these huge bills and either you are forced to go on early or way late and you get screwed. 

I would have backed out to after being given the dick treatment like that. 

If I'm not playing between the hours of 9 and Midnight, fuck it, it's just worth it.

3 bands, but they start late there.  First band usually goes on at 9:30 or 10, second band at 11ish and 3rd band at 12ish (usually 12:30).  The late slot sucks for sure, but we'd be playing with a country band & an 80s cover band.  Not really our scene at all and I don't figure anyone would stick around much past midnight, anyway... Including our friends.


midnight on a fri/sat, or on a school night?  over here, midnight on a saturday night is the best slot of the night.

it sounds like you just completely wrote off the 80s metal crowd.. even if GnR or Warrant aren't your all time faves, there are a LOT of people into that kind of music who are also into way heavier stuff of every description.


What makes you feel that you are somehow better than or above playing with a cover band?


Quote from: neighbor664 on February 25, 2011, 05:08:08 PM
What makes you feel that you are somehow better than or above playing with a cover band?

i don't think it is that he is above playing, i got the idea that they wouldn't fit in.

fish and peanut butter, you know?


We are most definetally a humble band and do not think we are above any band. Just 3 mellow dudes having fun. We were asked back to the lions lair months ago because we brought a good crowd when we played there last time. Poor planning on both our part and the booking chicks part got us in a bad position and we needed tO bail on the show. Basically it's an opening band that is friends with the headlining band and that's the show. We just don't fit. And we have played showed were we don't fit in. This ones just a bust and I'm sure we will play the venue again just not this show. we live along way from the venue.

Ok rant over.

clockwork green

I think cover/tribute bands shouldn't be on the same bill two entirely different crowds and expectations. There might be some unusual situations when it can work but everytime I've seen it, it just looks feels like too awkward of a mix.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Was it a paying gig? Midnight is a pretty sweet slot if you ask me. But, I live in a town with alot of second shifters, so they're just showing up after midnight. The gig sounded good to me but in this area a metal show may also consist of a bluegrass opener, with an 80s or punk band in the middle slot and something Doomy or Death closing it out. I like mixed shows and crowds here seem to like it too.
Meh :/


Well said Rowdy, you guys did the right thing.  There will be more gigs for sure.
motorcycles, rock n roll, and beer, not necessarily in that order.


Oh and did I mention WEEDEATER is playing the same night! :o