The Act of Killing

Started by JkFlesh, August 03, 2013, 12:18:28 PM

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Film of the year. Truly mindblowing. Doc consisting of interviews with Indonesian gangsters and paramilitarists who slaughtered thousands of suspected communists in 1965-66 during the transition to Suharto-led military rule. Over a million people were killed. The murderers were never persecuted and are still in power and speak openly and often boastfully about their horrible crimes. The director describes it as being in Germany 40 years after the Holocaust except that the Nazis are still in power. The men are asked to re-enact their crimes for the camera and they do so in increasingly stylized ways, drawing on the Hollywood genres of gangster films and musicals. This culminates in a bizarre musical number in which an actor playing one of the slaughtered thanks his murderer, played by real-life mass murderer Anwar Congo. This movie has to be seen to be believed.

Trailer here:

The Shocker


Streaming on Netflix, bitches.  And also just got nominated for best documentary.



srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best


^^^^^Insane shit.  A mass murderer openly demonstrating his execution technique.