Well I'm going full on Jeff Beck now

Started by spookstrickland, February 02, 2014, 06:03:27 AM

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Well after fighting tendonitis for the last few years and going back and forth trying to find a comfortable picking technique I've found that I'm much more comfortable finger picking.  It's funny Jeff Beck made the switch at about the same age too.  I wonder if he had tendonitis.  I play in kind of a bizarre Way though more like Billy Sheehan than a regular guitar finger picker.  At least I'm playing more now.  I also noticed that I like the tone better.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


cool, I am glad you are inspired by that and have a new technique.


I have had a battle with it before and want to avoid in the future.  Let me know if there are any other tricks you used.  I did: ultrasound, massage with rollerball and finger massage, dfx gyroball and flextend, planet waves varigrip, handmaster plus.

Danny G

Good on you. You will never have to worry about dropping your pick mid solo ever again \m/,

And think of all the dollars you will save not buying them. That's like, maybe $10 a year   Enough for a set of strings ;)

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



I dig watching JB work his magic.

 joe, the horse killer didn't use a pick and he had a nice warm tone when I heard those guys play. he was just more or less thumbing it haha, but it served the fuzz rock they were playing just fine.

I was horsing around learning a little of that chet atkins style picking. those guys definitely have the advantage over all other guitar players because they can pick like a normal 1 pick player, or play like fingerpicking, or all at once.
it is frustrating as hell getting the picking patterns going ..whole new set of muscle memories but you can tell the potential is Godzilla sized.
I could watch jerry's breakdown over and over, especially the duet with his mentor chet.

everdrone, in general, as I am getting hosed by age, I find the very best thing for me that has worked over the long haul is to about once every 3-4 months, completely do nothing for 2 weeks. like at least 3 times a year. it is amazing how everything puts itself back together after 2 weeks of leaving it all the fuck alone.
and not only does everything feel great and moves like it is supposed to, but I always come back one notch faster playing the guitar.
if you are wearing your shit out, you are wearing your shit out. bandaids just hide the damage and permit you to do more damage. when I leave everthing in peace for 2 weeks, I can feel how everything gets better. fwiw.


cool thanks jibberish, I am glad that works for you, hopefully for me too


Problem solving whiskey!


so far nothing bet rest and wearing a wrist band 24/7 helps.  Ice, heat massage have not done much.  I'm getting an mri then hopefully some professional treatment soon.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


I got hand xrays and they did not show anything, mri would show more

but really physical therapy massage and vitamins and eating great nutritious foods are gonna be way better than ice and any type of surgery imo but Im not a doctor in it for the $$$


I play with every possible combination of my naked fingers & thumb, thumbpick, flatpick, and fingerpicks.

Nothing to do with tendonitis; everything to do with what kind of tone I want and what style I'm playing in.
Livin' The Life.


Problem solving whiskey!


Livin' The Life.