General Category => Jam Room => Topic started by: James1214 on January 14, 2023, 04:32:41 PM

Title: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 14, 2023, 04:32:41 PM
So I've totally entered the gear hoarding/collecting phase of my life and am in the process of converting my barn into a studio and finally got almost everything that I'm not using for my main band in one place. Here's most of the amps that have been crammed into a closet or otherwise wiled away unable to be used for 2 years all together..... Still have an additional Acoustic full stack and an Earth B2000/Kustom 315 stack at the rehearsal spot that I'll bring home in due time.

What cool shit y'all got kicking around?(

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Submarine on January 15, 2023, 04:41:37 PM
Quote from: James1214 on January 14, 2023, 04:32:41 PM
Here's most of the amps that have been crammed into a closet .....
I can hear the volume through the picture.  ;D
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 15, 2023, 09:30:36 PM
The nitty gritty.

On the left side is:

69 Peavey Concert with original Altec 15" speaker.

1973 Acoustic 150 combo (originally had a 130, previous owner swapped in the 150, was a trash score, had no speakers so I put a quad of Jensen's in it, sounds killer)

In the middle:

The amp with silver grillcloth is a handwired 15 watt kit I built about 10 years ago. Has a Champ, Princeton, Harvard and Deluxe all in one box. It is also the loudest damn 15 watts I've ever heard. It goes into my Sunn 212 (bottom cab also with silver grillcloth)

The Acoustic cab in the middle is a modern bass 410, It doesn't blow my socks off, but was another freebie.

Right side:

Top head is a '75 Acoustic 450, in need of a tune up, does the thing real well.

Bottom head is my trusty '73 Acoustic 230, which is the guitar version of a 220, basically they added a bright switch, reverb, and a master volume. Was my first ACC amp and I love it.

Late 80's Ampeg 810-HPC, the first piece of "real" amplification I ever got. Scored for $225 back in 2004 from a dude in Oakland. Turns out it's a pretty desirable cab, has 2 horns, 7 of the original Eden speakers + 1 tone tubby replacement. Traveled all around the country, played a few hundred shows and recorded a bunch of records with it over the years. Beat to shit, but has all the mojo I could ever hope for.

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 15, 2023, 09:44:18 PM
Neat gear.

Was wondering about that 15" Peavey. I might kinda need one of those for keyboards.

That Champ project is cool - is it class A? does it ever blow tubes...if not, you must have a knack for dialing it in since it also so loud. I had a T.H.D. prototype all class A but it was unstable living on the edge (was shown around but knowingly on the edge and not to be marketed being so wild) and blew some of my NOS tubes. Man, it.was.loud. Super cool amp too. It was on loan and went back but eventually became ( I think) a Univalve variant. But that Champ has gotta be a gem maybe in the same vein, I'd guess.

That 8x10 sure has the "hello, I'm here" look to it.

Congratulations on building-out the space!

Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 15, 2023, 11:08:53 PM
Muffin, the early Peavey Concerts (of that era) are  pretty rare, I scored mine at a local thrift shop for a steal. It's the first combo they ever made, they were custom orders and came as a 410, diagonal 212, or a 115. It's pretty damn cool.

Re: the kit build. It's a discontinued kit from BYOC called the Tweed Royal. It's class A, but I haven't had to replace any tubes yet, and I took it to my tech after I built it to take care of all the the tweaks and final adjustments. To be fair its probably had maybe 150-200 hours max play time since I built it, most of that on 1.5-2. maybe a 20 hours at 7-ish.l, which seems to be the sweet spot. 

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 16, 2023, 12:03:07 AM
James! thanks, that Peavey history is delish. My best ever recording of a guitar amp was a Classic 50 2x12 (James Brown design) 1990's era, fake tweed, EL84s the works! totally miss it. Awfully heavy though. I had a VTM-120 too - a massive tank and a flamethrower to boot. That 1x15 is so cool to see.

ps. the Classic 50 had the gorgeous clean tones, mainly. Classic rock too though. 100% reliable.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Pissy on January 16, 2023, 08:11:39 AM
I might put my trash together today for a family photo.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 16, 2023, 12:20:53 PM
Me too.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 16, 2023, 11:09:04 PM
The dusty old junk


Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 16, 2023, 11:36:09 PM
That's what I'm talking about. What's the yellow box on the orange stack?

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 16, 2023, 11:44:46 PM
Ultimate load box (only know because I have one, it's obscure)

FFS what a spread, Mind-blown
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 16, 2023, 11:51:42 PM
Rager, those are beautiful photos.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 17, 2023, 01:51:33 AM
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 17, 2023, 05:06:18 AM
a diabolical portense, fiendish!


Nice glass, good eye.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 17, 2023, 05:18:16 AM
those colors are bangin' and the lighting is titty. whoa! OMG
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Pissy on January 17, 2023, 07:35:09 AM
I love that Yamaha SG.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on January 17, 2023, 08:14:59 AM
We all need help
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 17, 2023, 07:30:05 PM
I don't need help man...... YOU need help, I'm fine.....(

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 17, 2023, 09:22:16 PM
Quote from: James1214 on January 16, 2023, 11:36:09 PM
That's what I'm talking about. What's the yellow box on the orange stack?

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Yeah what muffin said. Ultimate attenuator. I had the guy that designed it (Brian Ho) build me another one with a bright switch. It's the unmarked box on top of the Plush.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 18, 2023, 11:37:56 AM
What do you like about it?

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 18, 2023, 02:07:04 PM
I can play my Orange without going even more deaf.  Lol. The Marshall has a master volume as of a few years ago.

The thing about the Orange is that it's damn near as loud on 3 as it is flat out just thinner and like ear spikes. It roars at full on. No dirt pedals needed. But is just crazy loud. That attenuator doesn't suck the tone out.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 19, 2023, 12:24:19 AM
I meant more that specific attenuator over others. It seems to be pretty reasonably priced. Is it the fact that it doesn't change the tone?

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on January 19, 2023, 09:51:00 AM
It was the best of the best at the time. I tried a few others like Hotplates and Rockcrusher and one other I can't remember. Done of the others had notched settings that either made it too much or too little and sucked tone to my ears. These have a variable potentiometer to dial in what I want. They are reactive load, work with any impedance and are good over 100 watts. Don't fall for the cheapo passive types.

Or really, if you have a 100 watt tube monster get a master volume installed. From what I've been told by a couple techs is they don't work well on the old Oranges hence the attenuator.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on January 21, 2023, 11:50:45 AM
I'll probably need something for my Earth b2000 which is currently my only 100 watt tube amp. It really only gets the girth and saturation I like at painful volume levels.

I'll get more pics on here  as the space develops and the gear moves in. Ordering drywall today for delivery next week. Excitied to get the ball rolling again.

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Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Stonergrunge on October 07, 2023, 12:49:47 AM
The "guitargeek" version of my gear:


My actual gear:

Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: James1214 on November 07, 2023, 11:52:12 PM
That Reverend is Fuckin' dope.

I'll get some pics, but I just moved my kit and another 3v amps into the barn. Drywall still ain't done. Summer much more important house projects have put the barn on the backburner (had a leak in the roof/had to redo a bunch of walls because of a slow water leak.... All that kinda.... The HOA of home ownership) , but I've got it mostly wired out now, have 2 more circuits to add then I can close the walls in.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: everdrone on November 17, 2023, 07:56:07 AM
( (

To many rats lol

Using for guitar and bass recording
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on May 19, 2024, 02:28:50 PM
Upstairs Sunday rig.

Yo Pissy. I'm not getting that JCM 800. I see he's got it listed for a few hundred more than what he'd sell it to me for.

Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on May 19, 2024, 05:43:15 PM
( (

2xEL34 50 watt Lynx, yet to break it in. The Standard 60's honeyburst color isn't my first choice but this guitar was featured in two Greg Koch videos, so i got hear it first, with ferocity (lol). I was just vacuuming some dust off it and a silver tone knob insert got sucked out - factory was probaby short on glue that day  :-\ . I put some elmers in and refixed it, et voĆ­la. It has 9's on it. I used to play 11's. Man, I have some (tons) woodshedding ahead of me. ps the tuners are those Grover sealed metal butterbeans things- or rotomatics I guess.

ps. the guitar is ugly but has decent grain and the tone is tested/passes. I think of sanding the top, or parking it in the sun. but not of any only comes out at night. I have tonnes of stickers to plaster over it but nah. the ugly duckling. "Quack" I'll call it.
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: RAGER on May 19, 2024, 05:58:47 PM
Oh nice. Super high gain huh? 
Title: Re: Gear showoff/BDE thread
Post by: Muffin Man on May 19, 2024, 06:13:24 PM
it even has a gate! I've never played around with a gate. Just something to comp with in the living room when I need that extra sizzle. It was a b-stock factory flash sale random fly by - it's pretty cool. I'm not sure they do the combo anymore all I see is head and cab - which would be cooler but this is smaller. Has a two-button switch and padded cover.