Game of Thrones

Started by The Shocker, April 18, 2011, 05:21:30 PM

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I liked it too, but it also got weird. Action movie is a good description. I mean compare the shit based on the books to these and it's obviously very different. Not bad, just not as good. Like a sequel by a different writer/director team.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.

Jor el

   The pacing doesn't help.
   I would rather have 10 episode seasons.

What Would Scooby Do ?


I didn't say I didn't enjoy it, now you fuck off. 
Killing threads is my business and business is good.

The Shocker

How long did they waste time with Dany in the desert and all those slave cities?  Then they yada yada her invasion?  It's like the show runners have gotten tired of doing the show and just want to get it over with.


I think that's exactly what it is.  Honestly they could have done the same story in 10 episodes as in past seasons and shit would have felt "heavier."  How is there going to be any weight to the prophecy and/or the Rhallor shit in 6 final episodes?  Children of the forest?  Nobody will care because there's no back story except for the stupid cave carvings Jon Snow found that no one seemed to find before.  Isn't the point of an epic to be almost all back story and legend?
Killing threads is my business and business is good.

Jor el

   The pacing is horrible.

What Would Scooby Do ?


I don't think it's the amount of episodes, I mean each of these episodes was an hour and fifteen minutes and that's the length of a feature film. A shorter one but still. I bet you Season 7 is about as long as all 3 extended LOTR movies.

It's more to do with inept filmmaking/storytelling. While somebody is giving a ponderous monologue, you COULD show various characters on their journeys across Westeros like Sam journeying from Oldtown to Winterfell carrying dire news. You just need a glimpse to know that the world is big and time is passing and epic shit is going down. Instead we get this situation where everybody just teleports everywhere.

I wish I had had the patience for GRRM to finish the novels, but I strongly suspect he'll never finish them because there's a sense of "what's the fucking point" and he's already a rich and lazy fuck.


No Focus Pocus


Killing threads is my business and business is good.


HBO Go servers gonna go up in smoke like every previous GOT premiere, I predict >:(


I warned my wife about that already.   We don't have regular cable so it's a big possibility we can't watch if it crashes.
Killing threads is my business and business is good.

Jor el

   Just subscribed HBO NOW

What Would Scooby Do ?


I'm all streaming.   With internet and streaming services it comes out about the same price as cable.   yeah!
Killing threads is my business and business is good.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


"You've ruined horses for me"  ::)

This was MCU tier weightless padding.
Bran dropping truth bombs with his "we don't have time for this corny bullshit" transcendence.
Sam nailed his revelation scene and that saved the whole episode. I hope Aegon unites with the ice dudes and takes down his entitled little shit of an aunt.

Sprague Dawley

Quote from: renfield on April 15, 2019, 12:54:35 PM
Sam nailed his revelation scene and that saved the whole episode.
yeah i reckon.

havent read any of the fan wank online but a bit surprised the Ice King having an ice dragon hasn't caused a wee bit more consternation. What if Blondie's 2 dragons die from a heart attack or some shit? She must realise how close she is to just being some smug chick on a horse.

Difficult for Jaime Lannister to kill Cersei given the bitch isn't in Winterfell. I am convinced it will somehow happen though. It will be Jaime and Bronn in a chamber with her but Jaime will quietly say to Bronn "fuck the castle. And the gold. Let me do it" then he will look deep, deep into his vicious sisters eyes and thrust his mighty Vallerian steel sabre right into her birth hatch. While wheelchair boy watches from the shadows. Maybe having a silent teenage boy fap to the whole spectacle.


Killing threads is my business and business is good.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


Michael Bay does Game of Thrones.
Killing threads is my business and business is good.


terrible episode
couldn´t see nothing
all dark except for some dragon fire and burning swords every now+then
battle episode alright but this sucked big time
i didn´t forget - i just couldn´t remember...

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


I liked it a lot more on 2nd watch.  Felt too easy but it was 'ight
Killing threads is my business and business is good.


The battle episodes are always boring to me. It's even worse if you are watching with somebody who has a nonzero knowledge of actual medieval war tactics because they'll spend the whole time explaining how the episode is bad and ahistorical.

I thought the imagery of Jon battling the wounded Ice Dragon was fuckin great.

If it turns out the NK was just some dude to take out, then that's lame. It's clear that there's something more going on with the White Walkers; what the fuck was the point of Bran's whole character arc and Max Von Sydow and all that? Hopefully Bran becomes the new NK and the cycle begins anew or something.

Arya being the one to take out the NK was just glorious, but I do think they could have executed it much better. Arya was not trained to be a soldier, she was trained to be a fucking stealth fucking ninja assassin. Not only that she was trained to be an assassin who can fucking CHANGE FACES.

Imagine the impact if you had spent the episode with Arya being totally ineffective, in agony at her own uselessness because she has no applicable talent in this mob warfare situation, then forced to lurk around the library or whatever hiding from the undead, then fleeing from them in terror.. audience just in agony like WHY ARYA WHY ARENT YOU HOOKING IT THE FUCK UP

...then through whatever turn of 'vents (maybe they would have had to set it up earlier) Arya sees the procession of white walkers heading towards the Bran tree and she realizes she has to nut up and realize her destiny, and in spite of her terror and self doubt DONS THEIR FACE and infiltrates their rank and that's how she gets close enough to do her thang. And they still could have kept it as a twist, and when the fucking white walker unmasks and is Arya it's this just seismic event of the culmination of everything.

Or I mean, that's just me spit balling. You could do it a number of ways. The point is, they should have 1) not blown their load prematurely having her whip ass on the general zombie horde and kept you craving for her to come forth all episode, and 2) somehow used her faceshift talent

I would like to see the rest of the season play out with 3 factions all at odds with each other: Cersei, Aegon, and Daenerys vying for the throne. I s'pose Cersei is still on Arya's List of Names and maybe that's what they're saving the faceshift for.


This show is so fucking dumb. GRRM should never have sold the rights.

Jor el

   Not going oot on a high note.

What Would Scooby Do ?